Zupdates — April 9, 2021

Gregarious Narain
Zealous Space
Published in
Apr 9, 2021

Welcome back to our latest Zupdate. We’ve got a lot ready for you this week. We look forward to hearing your thoughts! Don’t forget to check out our Zealous Community for more help!

Events Admin

If you’re using Zealous as we hope you will, you’ve likely got dozens of event piling up. But what about the old ones? We’ve now made it possible for you to access your old events as well!

Past Events are now available for access

Why might you want Past Events? Just a few ideas:

  • Add notes from the event
  • Capture links mentioned during the event
  • Review past questions

Bug Fixes

Some bugs we squashed this week:

  • Duplicate event tiles were being added when adding new events
  • Rooms now return to their pre-live state once the event has ended



Gregarious Narain
Zealous Space

Perpetual entrepreneur. Advisor to founding teams. Husband to Maria. Father to Solomon. Fan of fashion. Trying to stay fit.