ANNOUNCEMENT: Zeals Dev Team Joins Qiita Advent Calendar 2021

Ryota Araki
The Zeals Tech Blog
Nov 30, 2021

I’m Ryota Araki from the CTO Office.

The Zeals Dev. Team will join the Qiita Advent Calendar 2021, and we’ll start by posting articles from December 1st to 25th, every single day.

In this event, as the dev. team members post the articles on this blog, the calendar itself will change to reflect each day a post is made until the entire calendar has been completed.

Our calendar can be found here:

Towards the end of the year, the Zeals Dev. Team will make this final month of 2021 even more fun for everyone by bringing interesting stories to light!

Looking forward to it!



Ryota Araki
The Zeals Tech Blog

Currently working as a HR manager in the CTO Office at Zeals.