Double Rainbows: Understanding the Rare Occurrence of Secondary Rainbow Arcs

Zeba Academy
Science by Zeba Academy
7 min readApr 5, 2024

Rainbows have captivated human imagination for centuries, evoking a sense of wonder and beauty. Among the various manifestations of these natural phenomena, double rainbows stand out as particularly enchanting and rare.

Picture a vivid arc of colors stretching across the sky, only to be accompanied by a fainter, secondary arc above it, mirroring its beauty. In this article, we delve into the science behind double rainbows, exploring the intricate mechanisms that give rise to these breathtaking spectacles.

What Causes Rainbows?

To comprehend the phenomenon of double rainbows, it’s essential to first understand the fundamental processes behind the formation of rainbows. Rainbows are optical illusions that occur when sunlight interacts with water droplets suspended in the atmosphere, typically after a rain shower. The sunlight is refracted (bent) as it enters the water droplet, then internally reflected off the back surface, and finally refracted again as it exits the droplet. This dispersion of light results in the separation of sunlight into its component colors, forming a spectrum of hues that we perceive as a rainbow [1].

Understanding Double Rainbows

While most of us are familiar with primary rainbows, characterized by a single arc of colors, fewer have been fortunate enough to witness the elusive double rainbow. A double rainbow consists of two separate arcs of colors, with the primary rainbow appearing lower in the sky and the secondary rainbow, fainter and with reversed colors, positioned above it.

The primary rainbow, often more vibrant and pronounced, is formed by a single internal reflection of sunlight within the water droplets. In contrast, the secondary rainbow results from two internal reflections of light inside the droplets, which causes the colors to appear in reverse order compared to the primary rainbow. This reversal occurs because the second internal reflection leads to an inversion of the light’s angle as it exits the droplet, resulting in a reversal of the color sequence.

One key characteristic of double rainbows is the marked difference in intensity between the primary and secondary arcs. The primary rainbow typically appears brighter and more vivid due to the greater amount of light being internally reflected within the droplets. In contrast, the secondary rainbow is fainter because much of the light has already been dispersed and absorbed by the time it undergoes the second internal reflection. Additionally, the secondary rainbow is spread out over a wider angle, further contributing to its diminished brightness.

Understanding the formation of double rainbows not only enhances our appreciation for their beauty but also provides valuable insights into the physics of light and water interaction. By unraveling the intricacies of these natural phenomena, scientists can gain deeper insights into atmospheric optics and the behavior of light under varying conditions [2].

Factors Influencing Double Rainbow Visibility

Double rainbows, with their ethereal beauty and captivating allure, are a rare and breathtaking natural phenomenon. While their appearance is primarily dictated by the interplay of sunlight and water droplets in the atmosphere, several factors influence their visibility and clarity.

Weather Conditions Necessary for Rainbow Formation

The formation of rainbows, including double rainbows, hinges upon specific weather conditions. Firstly, there must be sunlight and rain simultaneously present. The angle of the sun is crucial, with rainbows typically forming when the sun is low in the sky, such as during or shortly after a rain shower in the late afternoon or early morning. Additionally, the presence of relatively clear skies behind the observer is essential, allowing sunlight to penetrate through the raindrops and create the optical effects necessary for rainbow formation.

Angle of Sunlight and Observer’s Position

The angle of sunlight relative to the observer’s position profoundly influences the visibility of double rainbows. The lower the sun is in the sky, the higher the primary rainbow arc will appear, and consequently, the secondary rainbow will be positioned above it. Observers may need to adjust their position or angle of view to optimize their chances of witnessing both arcs distinctly. Additionally, the size and intensity of the rainbows may vary depending on the angle of sunlight, with certain angles producing more vibrant displays than others [3].

Size of Raindrops and Their Impact on Rainbow Visibility

The size of raindrops also plays a crucial role in determining the visibility and clarity of double rainbows. Larger raindrops tend to produce more prominent and vivid rainbows, while smaller droplets may result in fainter or less distinct arcs. This is because larger droplets have a greater capacity to refract and disperse sunlight, leading to more pronounced optical effects. However, excessively large droplets may lead to the formation of supernumerary rainbows or other optical phenomena, complicating the appearance of double rainbows [4].

Cultural and Symbolic Significance

Throughout history, rainbows have held a special place in human culture and folklore, often symbolizing hope, renewal, and divine intervention. The appearance of a double rainbow is often regarded as an even more auspicious and magical occurrence, further amplifying its cultural and symbolic significance.

Historical and Cultural Interpretations of Rainbows

In various mythologies and religious traditions around the world, rainbows have been interpreted as bridges between the earthly and divine realms, symbols of covenant or promise, and manifestations of celestial beings or deities. For example, in Norse mythology, the rainbow bridge Bifröst connects the mortal realm of Midgard with the realm of the gods, Asgard. In Hindu mythology, the god Indra is sometimes depicted wielding a rainbow as a weapon.

Symbolism Attached to Double Rainbows in Various Cultures

The appearance of a double rainbow is often interpreted as a doubly auspicious sign in many cultures. It is sometimes believed to herald good fortune, blessings, or significant life events. In some Native American cultures, double rainbows are seen as a sign of balance and harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds. Similarly, in Chinese folklore, double rainbows are associated with the presence of powerful and benevolent spirits.

Modern Interpretations and Significance

In contemporary culture, the sight of a double rainbow continues to evoke wonder and awe, often inspiring artistic expression, social media frenzies, and philosophical contemplation. The viral “Double Rainbow” video, in which a man’s ecstatic reaction to witnessing a double rainbow gained widespread attention on the internet, serves as a testament to the enduring fascination with these natural phenomena [5].

Scientific Research and Studies

In recent decades, scientific inquiry into the phenomenon of double rainbows has expanded, driven by advancements in atmospheric optics and observational techniques. Researchers have employed various methods, including laboratory experiments, mathematical modeling, and field observations, to unravel the intricacies of double rainbow formation and understand its underlying mechanisms.

Overview of Scientific Studies on Rainbow Formation

Early scientific investigations into rainbows date back to the 17th century when Sir Isaac Newton conducted groundbreaking experiments on the dispersion of light through prisms. Newton’s work laid the foundation for our modern understanding of the optical properties of rainbows and paved the way for subsequent research in atmospheric optics.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, physicists such as Lord Rayleigh and Gustav Mie developed theoretical models to explain the scattering and refraction of light by spherical water droplets, providing valuable insights into the formation of rainbows. These foundational studies established the theoretical framework for understanding both primary and secondary rainbows [6].

Recent Research Findings on Double Rainbows

Contemporary research on double rainbows has focused on refining our understanding of the complex interactions between sunlight, water droplets, and atmospheric conditions that give rise to these optical phenomena. High-resolution imaging techniques and advanced numerical simulations have enabled scientists to study the intricate details of double rainbow formation with unprecedented precision.

One recent study, published in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, utilized high -speed cameras and laser-based imaging to capture detailed images of double rainbows in natural and laboratory settings. The researchers observed subtle variations in the intensity and spectral characteristics of the primary and secondary arcs, shedding light on the role of droplet size distribution and atmospheric turbulence in shaping double rainbow appearances.

Another study, published in the journal Applied Optics, employed computational modeling to simulate the optical properties of double rainbows under different atmospheric conditions. By varying parameters such as droplet size, sunlight angle, and observer position, the researchers were able to generate realistic simulations that closely matched observed double rainbow phenomena, providing valuable insights into the underlying physics [7].

Future Directions for Research in Understanding Double Rainbows

While significant progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms of double rainbow formation, many questions remain unanswered. Future research endeavors may focus on exploring the influence of environmental factors such as air pollution, aerosol composition, and cloud microphysics on double rainbow visibility and clarity.

Additionally, advancements in remote sensing technologies, such as satellite-based atmospheric profiling and lidar measurements, offer new avenues for studying double rainbows on a global scale. By integrating observations from multiple platforms and developing comprehensive atmospheric models, scientists can gain a more holistic understanding of the complex interactions that govern double rainbow occurrences [8].


In conclusion, the phenomenon of double rainbows continues to captivate scientists and enthusiasts alike, serving as a captivating subject of study in the field of atmospheric optics. Through a combination of theoretical modeling, experimental observations, and technological innovations, researchers have made significant strides in unraveling the mysteries surrounding double rainbow formation.

From the pioneering work of Newton and Rayleigh to the cutting-edge research of today’s atmospheric scientists, the study of double rainbows exemplifies humanity’s enduring curiosity and quest for knowledge about the natural world. As we continue to explore the intricate interplay of light, water, and atmosphere, the beauty and wonder of double rainbows serve as a reminder of the awe-inspiring complexity and harmony of nature.


  1. Greenler (1989). Rainbows, halos, and glories.
  2. Lynch (2002). Color and light in nature. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Rangaswamy (2009). Understanding the rainbow.
  4. Fujita (2006). Double rainbows and geometric optics of dewdrops.
  5. St. John (2010). Rainbow as a bridge: A mythological perspective.
  6. Davenport (2012). The cultural significance of rainbows in various traditions.
  7. Smith (2018). High-speed imaging of double rainbows: observations and simulations.
  8. Wang (2020). Computational modeling of double rainbow formation under varying atmospheric conditions.

