How to Bridge ZBC From Solana to Binance Smart Chain via Portal Token Bridge

The Z Man
Zebec Network
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2022

Zebec officially announced the listing of ZBC, the governing and utility token for Zebec protocol, on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in September 2022. As more users seek to bridge their ZBC into BSC, we’ve prepared a quick tutorial for you!

Token addresses

In Solana, ZBC: zebeczgi5fSEtbpfQKVZKCJ3WgYXxjkMUkNNx7fLKAF (here)

In Binance, BSC: 0x6D1054C3102E842314e250b9e9C4Be327b8DaaE2 (here)

The bridging sequence has a total of four easy stages. Any ZBC token can go from a Solana wallet to a BSC wallet in seconds.

Steps to Follow

Initial Stage

Go to Wormhole Token Bridge Portal here and select the “Token” tab.

Stage 1: SOURCE

Select chains and tokens to send through the Portal Bridge.

  1. In the source select field, select “Solana”.
  2. In the target select field, select “Binance Smart Chain”
  3. Connect your source wallet.
  4. Search and select the “ZBC” token. Enter how many of the tokens you would like to bridge. For example, 1 ZBC. Click on next after selecting.

Stage 2: TARGET

The Target Stage provides a summary of tokens and the recipient address. The “Bridged tokens” summarize the ZBC’s contract address and the amount entered in Stage 1.

In some cases, automatic redeemable tokens are also available. If not proceed to the manual payment option.

Note: The transaction requires minimal gas fees.

Confirm and go to the next stage.


Transfer the tokens to the wormhole token bridge.

  1. Click on Transfer to begin bridging ZBC from Solana wallet to BSC wallet.
  2. The transaction must be approved to make the bridging successful.
  3. The ZBC is successfully bridged to target BSC.

For example, If you chose to bridge 1ZBC, you can see that 1 ZBC has been deducted from your Solana wallet.


To withdraw the ZBC from the bridge, select Redeem. You can see that your ZBC has successfully been withdrawn to your Binance Smart Chain Wallet.

About ZBC

The ZBC token of Zebec has several key governance and utility functions for its holders and users of the Zebec Protocol. The symbol for the Zebec token is ZBC. ZBC token is the governing token for the Zebec protocol.

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About Binance

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, with a $76 billion 24-hour trading volume at the time of writing. Over 600 cryptocurrencies have been listed on Binance which have been accessed by over 90 million users.

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The Z Man
Zebec Network

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