Zebra is fuelling the drive to end hunger!

Zebra Fuel
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

“Never visit a petrol station again!” We hope that’s your New Year’s Resolution for 2018!

At Zebra, we wanted to start our year on a charitable note! Many charity organisations waste vital manpower and time filling up their vehicles at petrol stations. We knew we could help!

City Harvest is a charity that collects nutritious surplus food from all segments of the food industry and delivers it to organisations like homeless shelters and soup kitchens that provide meals to vulnerable people. On average, City Harvest rescues 8 tonnes of food for redistribution each week. Each van delivers 1,000 meals a day — that’s 3 million meals served in the lifetime of each of City Harvest’s vans. It’s a huge operation!

This enormous effort is down to 7 vans and a team of drivers. That’s a lot of fuel and time spent at the petrol station! Paula Merrony, City Harvest’s Head of Operations, tells us, “Each driver fills up at least once a week. With a large tank of diesel in the van, we lose 20 to 30 minutes of driver time at the petrol station. It really adds up.”

Expecting something different, Paula was pleasantly surprised by Zebra’s service, “We were envisaging big tankers rocking up, and the process being quite complicated. When I saw the little vans and the service it was just amazing, it was so smooth, so simple and unobtrusive.”

Zebra was proud to donate a full tank to each of City Harvest’s van as a way of saying thank you for their effort in feeding London!

If you would like to be part of the team ending food poverty and making London first to be a zero waste city, you can donate here: http://www.cityharvest.org.uk/#donate



Zebra Fuel

Zebra was built to end a common hassle that all drivers share, filling up one’s car.