Bloodlines: Part Two

Every origin has a beginning

ZED Guide
7 min readNov 19, 2018



To this day, only one half of the breeding profile of the Nakamoto is known. Since the inception of thoroughbred racing, few horse breeds are as unparalleled and sought after as the Nakamoto. Originating from Japan, it is believed that the first Nakamoto was born on April 3rd 1973 by prominent stud farm owner, Martin Cooper. At the time, Cooper did not know of the impact that the Nakamoto breed would have on the thoroughbred world and the legacy that it would leave behind.

The first Nakamoto offspring was bred by one of the most prolific thoroughbreds to ever grace the racetrack, Artemis, which was also owned by Cooper. Artemis was the last ever thoroughbred to carry the ZED bloodline before their extinction in 1973. Cooper always kept the breeding partner of the last ever ZED thoroughbred a secret up until the day he passed away in June 2007. Subsequently, an air of mystery has always surrounded the genetic makeup of the Nakamoto. No factual evidence exists of the mating partner of the last ZED thoroughbred nor has any stud farm been able to replicate the ZED bloodline. As such, Nakamoto offspring can only be created when two Nakamotos are coupled and their breeders strictly maintain this purity of stock. The pureness of breed is the critical factor as to why Nakamotos are so highly regarded on the racetrack and in the stud farm.

Nakamotos are a true warrior breed and are often referred to as the ‘Samurai breed’ within the thoroughbred community as they enjoy the ability to outrun and outperform the majority of their competitors. Their natural grace, stylistic movements, noble frame, and high tail carriage lends them an air of pride and strength not often found in the thoroughbred racing arena. Coupled with their striking coats of Ghost White, Midnight Black, and Absolute Zero, Nakamotos are the epitome of what a text book thoroughbred should be. Nakamotos are also widely recognized for their personality, temperament, high stamina and the ability to learn intuitively. Their combination of endurance, intelligence, speed, purity, and aesthetics has made the Nakamoto the highest valued and most sought after bloodline by both owners and stud farms alike.


The Szabo bloodline is considered second only to the Nakamoto in terms of rarity.

While gifted with a Hungarian name, this bloodline originates from the Hokkaido region of Japan where they are loved and revered for their beauty. This appreciation has quickly spilled over into the racing world, where some of the most favored horses are direct descendants of the Szabo bloodline.

Originally bred for pleasure riding, it soon became evident that these thoroughbreds had much more to offer. Their keen abilities and impressive speed made them naturals on the racetrack. Coupled with a consistent temperament, these attributes make them a favoured breed for trainers. The Szabo also has a natural ability to take from their training and perform on the racetrack with ease and determination, making them a true force to be reckoned with.

Outside of the thoroughbred racing arena, the Szabo is a particularly graceful breed and often admired for its fluid and graceful gallop and movements. With a smaller yet elegantly shaped head, muscular legs, thick coat, and iconic coloring such as Papaya Whip and White Smoke, these horses are a sight to behold. This is perhaps, why some breeders and owners have chosen to use their Szabos as show horses as well as racers.

It is to be noted, that although this breed is aesthetically pleasing, it is also extremely sturdy. Having originated from Hokkaido where winters are known for their harshness and frigidity, the Szabo is able to withstand extremely cold temperatures and are known for not being afflicted by many of the ailments known to affect other breeds.

While some equine historians believe the Szabo to have descended from the Nakamoto, this has yet to be proven and is considered anecdotal. However, the two breeds are historically and closely linked as they have both been raised and bred in Japan for several centuries. Due to this geographical proximity, they have been natural competitors for as long as can be remembered. Szabos are also often bred with Nakamotos to create new Szabo offspring. Although Szabos are mainly bred within their bloodline, the crossbreeding with Nakamoto is said to occur in order to create better defined withers and a higher tail carriage.


The Finney bloodline is considered the third most rare breed, yet these horses are still able to consistently perform toe-to-toe with their top of the line competitors such as the Nakamotos. This is a breed of horse that is hardworking, persevering, and uncharacteristically strong. They are also purported as having a quirky and often unpredictable personality.

While quite intelligent, Finneys can sometimes be difficult to train, as they tend to be headstrong and particular about their trainers. However, once past this occasional issue, the Finney can be extremely adaptable and keen to learn. It is often thought that this wide range of characteristics and personality traits is attributed to the heavy practice of inbreeding since the origin of the bloodline. Present day breeding of the Finney has incorporated mating between it and Nakamotos or Szabos in order to dilute some of the more challenging character traits. This practice has proven to be working very successfully.

When it comes to physical appearance and structure, the Finney is a basic, yet well defined thoroughbred. These horses are known for their musculature, straight necks, firm hooves, and flexible legs. Their naturally lustrous coats are recognized for their deep shades of hazel, rust, chestnut, and black. The typical Finney mane is also notably different than that of other bloodlines. Rather than a long and flowing mane and tail, this breed exhibits ones that are thinner and shorter. As a result, the Finney has quickly become a favourite amongst groomers for their ease of care and management.

Finneys are currently bred across Europe and North America, however, their origins lie in the Middle East. It is said that the Finney’s genetics may be traced as far back as the Karabakh and Royal Persian horse breeds. To this day, the highest priced Finneys are to be found in the Arabian Peninsula region near the Gulf of Oman.

These horses in particular, although bred as meticulously as their European and American counterparts, tend to have a more in-depth resiliency and endurance. They have, over the years shown an ability to survive in unpleasant environments, and with little to no resources. This is often attributed to the extreme heat and weather conditions they are raised in. Traits such as these translate well when it comes to the grit and strength of character needed in order to succeed on the racetrack, especially amongst competitors who are naturally more rapid and agile.

The Finney is a determined, and naturally competitive horse. While not as highly coveted as a Nakamoto or Szabo, this breed has found itself a permanent place in the world of horse racing due to its tenacity and endurance. It will be of no surprise if we continue to see and hear more of these horses and their successes in the near future.


Originating from Russia, the Buterin bloodline is known to be the most common breed of thoroughbred. Easily bred, these horses are naturally healthy, sturdy, quick on their feet, and virtually effortless to train. Not surprisingly, over 25% of the total thoroughbred population is said to be directly descended from this bloodline.

Despite the fact that the Buterin bloodline is one of the newest breed, having come into existence on the 22nd May 2010, they have fast become a favorite amongst racing aficionados. The Buterin performs exceedingly well on the track, yet manages to maintain a gentle nature and a great willingness to learn and obey its trainers. Out of all the thoroughbred breeds, this one is most famous for its ability to understand visual and sound commands from both trainer, and rider. This allows for a horse that is predictable, undemanding, extremely manageable, and easy to bet on.

Raised mainly in the Siberian Wilderness, these horses are used to rugged terrain and wild temperatures making them sturdy and easily adaptable to dryer conditions. They can stay in the sun with minimal water for long periods of time, track for many miles a day, and are well versed in running on rocky ground. It is rumoured that Buterin’s were originally bred as farm and pack horses, yet their speed made them transition easily into racing.

The Buterin is often compared to saddle and harness horse breeds as they display the same strength and endurance. They are naturally speedy, sturdy, and alert, and often used for training younger riders due to their patient and amicable temperament.

Buterins have basic yet strong body contours. While not being show horses, they are impressive to look at due to their thick necks, and broad chests and backs. They have large, clear hazel eyes, and are known for short coats of gray, black, and on the rare occasion, pure white.

While still mainly bred in Russia, there are now several areas in the American Southwest where Buterin are licensed to breed, as well as in the Tuscan region of Italy, and Provence, France. The popularity of this pleasant and hardworking horse continues to grow as will their numbers on the track. Although a common breed, this is one breed not to be underestimated.

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ZED Guide

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