Zed Run Development Update #1 — May 2019

23rd May 2019

ZED Updates
3 min readMay 23, 2019


Hello, ZED community!

This is the first update from the ZED development team, it’s now been six weeks since I jumped in to help with development and what a crazy fun ride it has been. The team has doubled in size during this time, still growing and we have been hard at work trying to get new features out to you. 👨‍💻

We’ve been doing this all while dealing with interesting problems unique to DApp development, challenging bugs and potential hack attempts. Our core team of 5 developers has been amazing through all of this, always going the extra mile to pull this daring venture off.

This first week I’d like to focus on something very dear to my heart, UX, the user experience that you all receive. 😍

Better UX and regular feature updates

When I joined the team, they were already working on trying to bring you as much as possible in the shortest amount of time and the team was doing an amazing job. However, as mentioned there are many problems we have encountered unique to developing on the blockchain.

Those of you who are familiar with DApps will most likely have come across many different user experiences, some pleasant and some not so pleasant. At ZED, we are striving for amazing (within the constraints of the blockchain) and we really want to push the envelope on what we deliver to you.

At ZED, we are striving for amazing

Sometimes, we won’t get it right, which is why we feel the best way to deal with that is to release often so that we can get your (the communities) feedback as quickly as possible. To enable this we have implemented feature branch based continuous delivery, this will mean you are going to start seeing a regular cadence of new features rolling out as we move forward. We are also exploring a beta testing program for some of these features to get your feedback even earlier.

Release often so that we can get your (the communities) feedback as quickly as possible

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Lean startup — build, measure, learn feedback loop

Ok, a quick update on feature progress:


This has been our main focus. You’ll be pleased to hear that we are pulling together the final touches for this. We have successfully bred some fine young horses on the test network. We just need to be sure this is secure and seamless for launch in the few weeks before we push it out to you all.


We had some UX issues which would have meant a less than desirable bidding experience where each user would have had to claim back their ETH should their bid have failed. Of course, with all the smart minds involved on the project, we have now found a way to avoid this, however, more testing is required.

Stable Management

We’ve got some pretty cool changes in the backlog to make it easier for you to manage your horses. We will be diving into this more soon.

I won’t go into racing as we already put out a fairly lengthy update on this over the weekend. I will say though that this is something that the team and I are definitely most excited about getting out for you.

If you’re new to ZED, you can check out our website here, visit our Discord here, pop into our Telegram here, and triple flip somersault into our Twitter here.

Chat soon, Geoff

P.S. We are hiring! We are looking for skilled front-end, back-end and blockchain (smart contract & web3) developers. Get in touch at hello@zed.run



ZED Updates

ZED RUN is the first game of skill horse racing game to live not only on the blockchain but in an open market.