Education Futurist Hands on Lead Learner
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2019


FREE WILL -TO Allow or no to Allow?

Warning: Please read this with an open mind! Go back to your younger self after each paragraph.

Ask yourself the question: How would my life look like if my parents would allow me to make choices and have free will?

After this, you can start reading. With an open mind!

Who are we talking about when we say, kids?

Do we know them, or we assume that they are just like us?

Well, not quite!

Not sure what generation you are?

You can learn more here about your or all generations if you click on the links bellow. For me understanding these “generation” things, made me understand people better and improved my communication better as I knew how to approach them. It made me clear, made me forgive and made me more compassionate towards other generations.

I trust that reading about generations will make a lot of sense for many of you too.

So here we go:

So, now that you know what generation you belong to, let us go to today`s generation: Alpha Generation and learn about them.

Alpha generation is all the kids born after the year, 2009.

They are part of our everyday life, they mesmerize us, they challenge us and certainly make us upgrade our game as a parent, teacher, educator.

What is so different about these kids?

The main characteristics of the Alpha Generation are:

  1. they do not like to share
  2. they like to move/unless they do not want to move/
  3. they do not care about privacy / take our their clothes, wear no socks…/
  4. they don`t play by the rules
  5. their favorite way to experience by“taste”
  6. they love carbs /crackers, cookies/ and full-fat diary
  7. they constantly change

So, you might ask yourself: how can we parent, educate these kids in everyday life?

Simple. By allowing them to choose, by allowing them to practice their free will!

I know, many of you will now jump up and say: well this is ridiculous! Parenting, education is something that was never about the free will, but about the following direction and respecting rules! How comes that a child can make decisions and choices when they do not have the experience of knowing and understanding consequences?

Before all these thoughts escalades in your mind, let me tell you something: free will is not choosing and doing what you want, free will is choosing to act from love, kindness, and joy.

So, how we gonna do this?

You see free will is coming from love and joy. There was no baby ever, born to this Earth and willing to be a bad, compulsive and stubborn.

We parents put our expectations, our unfulfilled dreams, our fears, and thoughts before the kids' free will.

We think we know better what is good for them. Sometimes they grow up and nobody asked them: what is what you want? What would you choose?

When they act strange, when they do not fit in, parents, educators panic. Kids end up medicated, end up punished and end up making choices that they would never do if they could act from their “free will”.

Why are we so afraid to let our kids make choices, and practice free will?

Maybe because we never had the chance to do it. Look back and ask yourself: how many of your important choices in life were influenced by your family, friends, school, educators?

Before the year 2000, we did not have many pieces of information, resources. Our resources were the parents and educators, the few tv channels and some media, books …

Today, we have so many sources of information. We know from a very early age how to do things that even today adults do not know how to access.

So, how can we start practicing the new way of parenting and lowing free will?

Well, for example, instead of telling them what to do by asking them how they would do things that we expect them to do.

Instead of showing them, letting them show us the way they would do things.

Instead of teaching them, facilitating them to get the academic knowledge that they need.

You are afraid you may fail with this kind of parenting?

Well, if you have to fight to install rules and regulations into your daily life and you have to face constant rants, tears and stress every day to make your kids do or function at a minimum level of expectation…you already failed.

So what do you have to lose?

The transition will be hard. They will first be suspicious. They will challenge you to see if you are real about this change.

Teens especially will be reluctant and suspicious.

You, like a parent or educator, will freak out and you will feel that you are losing control.

But if you will be consistent, very soon all will settle.

Why? Because free will is nothing else but love.

Because love is nothing else but allowing the other part to practice free will.

Let me know your thoughts!



Education Futurist Hands on Lead Learner
Writer for

I am a mother and edu-facilitator, author, homemade food addict ,clean water guru and positive attitude junkie, life adventurer and people lover! Now a blogger!