Challenges of Turning Bugs into Features

Fahad Iqbal
Zee Palm, LLC


What is a Bug?

A bug is an error in a computer program that causes it to behave unexpectedly. No matter how careful you are, there will always be some bugs that slip through the cracks. The average software application contains 15–50 bugs. But what if the bug turns out to be more than just an inconvenience? What if it turns out to be a new feature that is valuable to the users?

This is the challenge of turning bugs into features. It’s a delicate balancing act that requires careful consideration of the risks and benefits involved. On the contrary, there is always the risk that the bug could have unintended side effects, or they could be difficult to integrate with other features.

In this story, we will explore the challenges of turning bugs into features. We will look at some factors you need to consider, and we will provide some tips for increasing your chance of success.

1. Inexplicable Nature of Bugs:

Sometimes, an error that may look like a bug is not actually a bug. It can be an undocumented feature or functionality that was not apprehended during the development process. This can happen due to incomplete specifications, miscommunications, or changing requirements.


  • The sticky keys feature in Microsoft Windows: It was originally a bug. When you press the shift key five times in a row, the keyboard repeats the last character you typed. It was later discovered that some people with disabilities found it useful. The bug turned into a feature, and it is now a standard accessibility feature in Windows.‍
  • Copy and paste feature in word processors: When the first word processors were developed, they did not have a copy and paste feature. However, users quickly discovered that they could copy and paste the text by using Ctrl + C, and Ctrl + V hotkeys. This was originally seen as a bug, but it was later turned into a feature.

Software bugs are a common occurrence. However, not all software bugs are problematic, some bugs are harmless, It is important to be aware of the potential impact of any software bug before deciding how to address it.

2. Problems with Reproducibility:

Reproducibility is the ability to consistently reproduce a software defect. This is often difficult, as software defects can be slippery and may only occur under certain conditions. A study by Microsoft found that only 23% of the software defects are reproducible. And according to IBM, the average time to replicate a bug is 15 hours.


  • Google’s Blank Searches: In 2017, Google experienced a bug in its search that caused users to see blank search results. The bug was difficult to reproduce, and it took Google engineers several days to track down the cause and fix the problem.

This elusive nature of software bugs can make it difficult to develop effective testing strategies. The cost of fixing a software defect that is difficult to reproduce can be up to 10 times higher than that of a reproducible bug.

Imagine an e-commerce application where users occasionally encounter errors during checkout, resulting in abandoned carts. This periodic nature of the defect makes it difficult to pinpoint the origin of the problem. Developers need to carefully track the conditions under which the checkout error occurs to reproduce it consistently. Once the bug is reproducible, developers can focus on fixing it.

3. Unforeseen Side Effects:

One of the biggest risks of turning a bug into a feature is unforeseen side effects. Bugs can have complex and unpredictable consequences. A study by Carnegie Mellon University found that the average cost of fixing a software defect with unforeseen side effects is $100,000.


  • Sticky Keys in Microsoft Windows: The sticky keys example discussed earlier had unforeseen side effects. It can be difficult to turn off and it can interfere with some games and applications.

  • Infinite Scroll in Social Media Apps: Infinite scrolling was initially a bug, but users found it addictive. When users reach the bottom of the feed, the app would continue to load new content without stopping. An unforeseen side effect apart from users spending more time than intended, it is difficult for users to find the content they are looking for.

To avoid unforeseen side effects, it is important to carefully consider the potential impact of any bug before turning it into a feature. This includes understanding the bug’s root cause, its potential consequences, and the way it interacts with other parts of the software.

4. Integration Complexities:

The interconnected nature of software means adding new features, even one derived from a bug can disrupt the harmony of existing systems. This is because the software is often made up of many different components that interact with each other in complex ways.

A study by IBM shows 40% of software defects are caused by integration problems, it is important to carefully consider the potential impact of any new feature on the overall system before making changes.


  • Boeing 737 MAX: In 2017, a bug in the software of Boeing 737 MAX caused the aircraft to crash twice, killing 346 people. The bug was caused by an integration problem between the aircraft’s autopilot system and its flight control system.‍
  • Target point-of-sale: In 2013, a bug in the software of the Target Corporation’s point-of-sale system caused the personal information of millions of customers to be stolen. The bug was caused by an integration problem between the system’s customer data and its payment-processing software.

To lessen the risk of integration problems, it is important to perform integration testing. It ensures all the features and functions work well together. Using a version control system to track changes to the code can make it easier to identify and fix integration problems.

5. User Value Assessment:

Not every bug is worth turning into a feature even if it’s technically feasible, it is important to consider whether the feature will be valuable to the users. For instance, a text editor might have a bug that causes unexpected line breaks. This bug could be turned into a “creative formatting” feature, but users might find it more frustrating than innovative. In this case, it would be better to fix the bug rather than turn it into a feature.

According to a study by Google, only 10% of bugs that are turned into features are actually acknowledged by users. 90% of the time, developers are wasting their time and resources on features that no one wants.


  • The Creative View Feature: In the early days of the internet, some websites had a bug that caused them to display upside down. This was turned into a Creative Viewing feature, but users found it disorienting and did not use it.‍
  • Windows Minimalist Feature: In the Windows operating system, there was a bug that caused the taskbar to disappear when you clicked on a window. This was turned into a Minimalist feature. Users found it inconvenient and did not use it.

The decision of whether or not to turn a bug into a feature is a complex one. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, the best decision will vary depending on the specific bug and need of the users.‍

Bugs can be turned into features, but it’s not always a good idea. Developers need to carefully consider the bug’s behavior, potential side effects, and user value before making a decision

If the bug is valuable to users and can be implemented without introducing any problems, then it may be worth turning into a feature. However, if the bug is not valuable to users or could cause problems, then it is best to fix the bug instead.

Developers should weigh the risks and benefits of turning a bug into a feature, it is a judgment call that must be made on a case-by-case basis. By carefully considering all the factors discussed above, developers can make an informed decision.

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