How Flutter Boosted Our App Development Skills

How Flutter Boosted Our App Development Skills

Fahad Iqbal
Zee Palm, LLC
4 min readFeb 28, 2024


Flutter is an open-source UI-SDK developed by Google. It allows developers to build high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps using a single codebase. Flutter has gained significant popularity over the ears due to its hot reload feature, rich widget library, and ease of use. Are you tired of juggling multiple codebases for iOS and Android apps? Keep reading to explore its features, benefits, and why it might be the perfect choice for your next mobile app project.

Enhanced Performance with Dart

Flutteremploys Dart as its programming language, known for its high-performance characteristics. Dart’s Just-in-time (JIT) compilation accelerates the iterative process. While, Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation translates your code into native machine code specific to the target platform, resulting in fast startup times, smooth performance, and efficient resource utilization.

Dart’s strong typing and garbage collection system makes it highly efficient for handling complex logic and data structures providing optimized app performance.

Widget-Based Architecture:

Flutter follows a widget-based architecture, widgets are building blocks of UI elements. They are composable and reusable units. They can manage their own state simplifying dataflow while libraries like Provider and Bloc offer advanced solutions for complex apps. Widgets facilitate rapid UI prototyping, lead to readable and cleaner code, and they render consistently across all platforms.

Single Codebase

Flutter reduces the development time by half by eliminating the need for maintaining separate code bases. Grab, the South Asian super app, built its platform with Flutter, which significantly reduced development time and effort.

It allows you to deliver a consistent application to users across iOS and Android without having to worry about platform-specific inconsistencies or design compromises.

Hot Reload

You can see the impact of your code changes on the running app instantly, without having to restart the entire process. This feature drastically enhances productivity by allowing rapid debugging and fast iterations of your designs. You can focus on writing code and building features rather than waiting for builds, this feedback loop keeps you in the flow and boosts overall productivity.

According to a 2023 Flutter Developer Survey, 48% of the Flutter developers consider hot reload to be the most valuable feature. Hot reload isn’t just about speed; it fosters creativity. Experimenting with UI layouts, trying different color schemes, and testing ode variations becomes effortless, resulting in more engaging user experiences.

Platform Channels

While Flutter provides a rich set of cross-platform widgets, it also seamlessly integrates with platform-specific code when necessary. This is where Flutter’s platform channels come into play, bridging the Flutter code and native functionalities. You can send requests from your Dart code to access features like device sensors, location services, third-party SDKs, and device-specific hardware.

Platform channels offer flexibility by allowing you to access native features and lets you leverage native code execution for tasks requiring optimal performance.

However, try to prioritize cross-platform communication whenever possible. Ensure proper data conversion between Dart and native types and thoroughly test your integration with both Android and iOS.

Third-Party Libraries

Leveraging third-party solutions is the key to efficiency. Flutters boasts a multitude of third-party packages and libraries. These packages offer ready-to-use functionalities, ranging from handling HTTP requests to implementing complex features.

For instance, Firebase provides a comprehensive suite of services, from user authentication and cloud storage to real-time databases. Swiggy, a leading food delivery app, utilizes Firebase for user authentication, push notifications, and real-time order tracking.

Integrating these libraries is straightforward, typically involving importing relevant plugins and utilizing their provided methods within your Flutter code. This significantly reduces development time and effort compared to building everything from scratch, allowing you to focus on your app’s core functionalities and deliver value to users faster.

Performance Benchmark

When it comes to performance, Flutter has proven its mettle, showcasing its ability to deliver high-performance mobile apps. One such example is the official app for the Broadway musical “Hamilton.” Developed using Flutter, the app achieved an impressive 60 frames per second (fps) on both iOS and Android platforms. This level of performance is comparable to native app development, demonstrating Flutter’s capability to provide smooth and responsive user experiences.

This highlights Flutter’s ability to deliver exceptional performance, rivaling that of native apps. Flutter’s compilation of native machine code, utilization of the Skia graphics engine, and efficient UI rendering ensure smooth animations, reduced CPU usage, and optimized memory consumption. You can trust Flutter to provide the performance necessary to create engaging and responsive user experiences.

Testing and Debugging

Flutter provides a robust testing framework that allows developers to write unit tests, integration tests, and widget tests. The unit tests utilize the test package that isolates and tests individual components of your app, ensuring functionality and preventing regressions. similarly, widget tests leverage flutter_test to test the behaviors of widgets and so on.

You can implement Logging statements to track app execution flow, pinpoint errors, and analyze behaviors. Flutter Inspector can be used to visualize and inspect widget trees, examine widget properties, and identify layout issues. These are good practices because well-tested code is easier to understand, modify, and maintain in the long run.


In conclusion, Flutter has transformed mobile app development by offering a comprehensive and efficient framework. Whether it’s performance benchmarks, development productivity, or ease of testing and debugging, Flutter provides the necessary tools and features to build high-quality, cross-platform mobile apps. As Flutter continues to evolve and gain popularity, it remains an excellent choice for developers looking to create engaging and innovative mobile experiences. Share

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