The Way You Should Build and Deploy Apps with Serverless Computing

Fahad Iqbal
Zee Palm, LLC
5 min readFeb 5, 2024


In the early days, Anyone who wanted to create a web application had to invest in complicated and costly server gear as in simpler words: hardware.

Consider that you wish to design a website or application. Before, you had to buy and keep your computer servers for your website to work. This was costly and challenging. Then came cloud computing, which allowed you to rent space from distant machines. Nevertheless, a lot of the time, individuals rented more space than they needed to account for unexpected traffic, and a lot of that space was left empty. Today, there is a term called “serverless computing.” That has made our difficult lives easier.

By allowing developers to only pay for the processing power they need rather than having to rent a certain amount of server space, serverless computing advances the constantly developing field of technology. However, as physical hardware requirements are reduced, some server administration is still necessary. It is somehow similar to switching to a pay-as-you-go data plan from a monthly mobile phone plan. Although the phrase “serverless” may appear to be deceptive, it merely indicates that Serverless technology has made it possible for developers to focus on their work without having to worry about servers or spend money on unused space.

In this story, we will learn the advantages of serverless computing and how it may help applications advance.

The Core Benefits of Serverless Computing

With technical improvements occurring every day, serverless computing has made life easier for developers. This computing technology acknowledges the needs of the user and hence it can revolutionize the world of application development. Utilizing serverless computing has several advantages, including:

Cost Efficiency

Only the computer resources you utilize are charged for. There is no need to reserve server space, saving you money on resources that won’t be needed. Using this strategy, pre-allocated resources are unnecessary, and operating expenses are decreased. making it a cost-effective option for both businesses and entrepreneurs.

Simplified Scalability

Traditional setups for servers sometimes need careful planning for scalability, resulting in excessive planning and resource waste. Code scalability rules are unnecessary for developers who use a serverless design. Based on demand, these systems may automatically scale up or down your applications. Allowing organizations to manage to change workloads without manual intervention.


With serverless computing, programmers can focus completely on developing code without having to worry about server maintenance or setup. Time frames for development are shortened and efficiency is increased by this simplified procedure. Even though it makes the whole development process easier and simpler it includes a variety of security capabilities, including access control and encryption, to help safeguard your applications as we all know security is what matters the most because for example if by using an application you end up losing your personal information or it is exposed due to the application you will probably never use that appmor even report it in my case.

Reduced Operational Complexity

Developers may now concentrate on innovation rather than maintenance thanks to serverless computing, which removes the need for manual server administration activities. Additionally, serverless platforms can speed up the time it takes for you to market your apps by taking away the requirement to create and manage servers.

So basically By using serverless computing, you may deconstruct your program into a series of straightforward procedures. When certain events occur, such as a user pressing a button or data being uploaded, these functions are carried out. You don’t need to worry about it since the cloud provider automatically controls the execution environment for each function.

Use Cases for Serverless Computing

From straightforward web apps to complex data processing activities, serverless computing is used in various applications. Applications with varying workloads might benefit the most from it since automatic scaling smoothly handles traffic disturbances. Serverless computing is a flexible technology that has a wide range of applications such as:

  • Event-driven applications: Serverless solutions work well for event-driven applications, in which code gets started by user clicks or data changes, among other events.
  • Microservices architecture: Building microservice architectures, where each service is in charge of a distinct task can be done using serverless platforms.
  • Real-time applications: Real-time applications that need to react fast to events can be created using serverless platforms.
  • Batch processing: Processing vast volumes of data in batches is possible with serverless systems.
  • IoT applications: Building Internet of Things (IoT) applications that gather and process data from linked devices may be done using serverless platforms.

Building Serverless Applications

Up till now, we have just learned about serverless computing, its benefits, and which applications are most suitable to be built using a serverless platform. While the most important thing is putting your learning into practice there are a few things to keep in mind while developing a serverless application that I promise will be helpful to you in the long run that are:

1. Choose a serverless platform

It’s crucial to select the serverless platform that best suits your needs from the various options available, including AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, and others. Think about factors such as the programming languages you wish to use, the connections you want, and the price structure.

2. Design your serverless architecture

Your program should be divided into smaller, modular components that may be executed in response to HTTP requests, database updates, or scheduled activities. This will allow you to create an application that is effective, scalable, and economical.

3. Write your serverless code

For your team and application, use the programming language that works best. Keep in mind that serverless functions don’t save data between calls. As a result, maintaining data requires the usage of external storage options.

4. Deploy your serverless application

To make it simple to put together and submit your code, the majority of cloud providers include integrated deployment tools. Give each function a trigger so that it will run in response to the appropriate events.

5. Monitor your application

Once your program is installed, keep an eye on how it performs, how much resources it uses, and whether or not any mistakes occur.


In 2022, the serverless architecture market was worth over $9 billion, and from 2023 to 2032, it is expected to grow at a rate of over 25% CAGR. Adopting serverless computing requires a shift in perspective as well as a technology change. Businesses and developers now have the freedom to concentrate on using software to provide value rather than being weighed down in infrastructure management. It’s an effective technology that can speed up, simplify, and lower the cost of creating and launching applications. Because of its simplicity, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reduced administrative work, serverless computing is a game-changer. If you want to fundamentally change how you develop programs, serverless computing is an option to consider.

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