Polygon’s Aggregation Layer: A New Rollup Thesis

Zeeve News
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2024

In 2023, rollups got huge traction, emerging as a pivotal technology to address the scalability challenges in blockchain. Nevertheless, achieving scalability alone doesn’t ensure victory; without interoperability, it’s only a partial solution.

We can think of the internet, which is confined to a single network. In such a scenario, computers on separate networks would be unable to communicate. This changed with TCP/IP, which not only brought scalability but also interoperability to the World Wide Web. Similarly, the Polygon Aggregation Layer aims to bring interoperability to the rollup ecosystem. This article delves into why interoperability is crucial for the sustainability of rollups.

Why Interoperability Matters for Rollups?

Modern rollups are adopting a modular approach to address their inherent challenges, such as scalability and inter-chain interoperability. However, in doing so, they expose their ecosystem to liquidity risks. While bridges offer a solution by connecting different rollup solutions, they often sacrifice the user experience found in a monolithic chain, leading to complexities that hinder widespread adoption.

What’s the Polygon Aggregation Layer?

It’s a messaging protocol that uses Zk-Proofs to share information about events in the rollup ecosystem, aiming for a one-chain solution for Dapps without losing liquidity and UX. Sounds complicated, right? Let’s simplify.

How the Polygon Aggregation Layer Achieve Absolute Interoperability for Rollups?

Transitioning from the traditional method of minting synthetic tokens on the source chain via bridges has evolved from a mere necessity to an imperative. Bridges present more vulnerabilities compared to an L1/L2 layer. On one end of the spectrum, rollups fail to synchronize directly with various rollup environments, leading to significant capital inefficiency issues. On the other end, their security shortcomings when connecting disparate rollup ecosystems not only complicate the user experience but also impact security.

The Polygon Aggregation Layer is poised to address these challenges by enabling interoperability among rollups in the following manner:

The AggLayer introduces shared access to native Ethereum assets through its messaging protocol bridge, which establishes Message Queues. Each chain within the Polygon rollup ecosystem will maintain a local queue of outbound messages in a predefined format secured by a ZK-Proof. This eliminates the need to lock tokens on one chain to interact with another. Instead, a ZK-Proof of events across multiple chains will be generated and posted on the Ethereum chain, creating a seamless user experience akin to interacting within a single-chain ecosystem. Once validated by the Ethereum chain through ZK-Proofs triggered by the messaging protocol, it will instruct the recipient chain to release assets to the designated address. This eliminates the complexities associated with intermediary bridges, simplifying the rollup ecosystem from a user standpoint.

The Polygon AggLayer aggregator component will facilitate streamlined cross-chain transactions through messaging protocols acting as watchtowers overseeing events across the Web 3 rollup environment. Serving as an automated bridge between the Polygon Chain and Ethereum Chain, the aggregator will relay information via ZK proofs and Message Queues’ representations, validated through Merkle Roots. It will aggregate all events into a single ZK-Proof and submit them to the Ethereum chain for swift settlement, ensuring instant finality with cross-chain atomic transactions and obviating the need for wrapped tokens. Utilizing a decentralized sequencer, the AggLayer guarantees liveness and censorship-resistant operation for the messaging protocol, akin to the Ethereum ecosystem, offering users sovereignty, modular architecture scalability, unified liquidity, and a seamless user experience.

How is PolygonAgg changing the whole ecosystem’s experience?

Polygon aggregation layers simplify the process for users, allowing them to easily buy NFTs or swap tokens across protocols within a single chain without needing to connect through bridges. This seamless experience will make it feel like they’re using the Internet with multiple devices and networks, all without realizing they’re operating within a Web 3 ecosystem. If the user experience isn’t simplified, Web3 risks remaining exclusive to tech enthusiasts.

For Developers:

Currently, developers face limitations when trying to access liquidity from other chains due to differences in technology stacks. Streamlining interoperability can compromise security, scalability, or both. The Agg layer addresses these concerns by enhancing security, liquidity, and sovereignty without sacrificing user experience. This is crucial for building a diverse network of use cases with different tech stacks and consensus processes that can function together seamlessly.

For the appchains and Rollups:

With the Agg layer integration, rollups and appchains can communicate with their network partners effortlessly without any code changes, maintaining the integrity of their use cases. By leveraging the Agg layer, they can communicate with each other quickly and incur minimal fees.

How will this work with Polygon CDK-based rollups?

For projects using Polygon CDK to create your own rollup chain, the AggLayer helps organize information, combine it into a single proof, and send it to the Ethereum Main Chain. This process makes it seem like users are using just one chain, as transactions are bundled together through a decentralized sequencer to maintain chain security and activity. This setup ensures users enjoy a smooth transaction experience with the benefits of scalability and gas fees of a modular chain.

Leverage Polygon Aggregation Layer easily with Zeeve RaaS:

Developers building ZK Rollups with the Polygon CDK via Zeeve Rollups-as-a-service can easily access the advantages of the Polygon aggregation layer and LxLY bridge for unified liquidity, composability, and interoperability. The Polygon CDK allows for customization of data availability, virtual machines, gas tokens, privacy options, and governance mechanisms, all supported by the enterprise-grade Zeeve platform. Developers can test their setups with complete flexibility using our 1-click Polygon CDK Sandbox tool.

Zeeve offers a range of integration partners to enhance your Polygon CDK rollups with additional capabilities like Alternative Data Availability, Sequencers, decentralized oracles, account abstraction Software Development Kits (SDKs), and various other tools, all easily integrated through the Zeeve RaaS platform.

The comprehensive RaaS service at Zeeve includes full provisioning, including block explorers, faucets, data indexers, bridges, etc., supported by an enterprise Service Level Agreement (SLA) ensuring 99.9% uptime. Feel free to contact us if you’re planning to launch your own rollups. Our experts can assist in identifying the best infrastructure for your needs. Schedule a call today!



Zeeve News

Zeeve is an Enterprise Blockchain Management Platform that helps deploy, benchmark and manage Blockchain networks​. https://www.zeeve.io/