Zefr at Advertising Week 2021

Alyssa Greene
2 min readNov 15, 2021


On October 21st, the final day of Advertising Week, Zefr’s co-Founder & co-CEO Richard Raddon sat down with TikTok’s Global Head of Brand Safety & Industry Relations Dave Byrne to discuss all things brand safety and suitability — where the industry started, where it’s going, and how thought leaders like TikTok and Zefr are helping to set the standard.

TikTok had recently announced at TikTok World that Zefr will be providing Brand Suitability and Brand Safety measurement for advertisers on their platform. In this session, they discussed in detail the role that consistent standards have on the space — in particular, the GARM industry standards.

“The great thing about GARM is that a lot of the challenges we face on brand safety, they’re not specific to the brands. They’re specific to safety in general to all users… These are challenges that no one advertiser and no one platform can solve, so GARM has done a great effort of pulling people together to solve these challenges at an industry level.” — Dave Byrne.

Before the GARM standards, the precision and accuracy of brand suitability was hard to measure from both platforms and brands. But with distinct definitions, the gap is narrowing between policy and product capabilities for the industry. Zefr has trained its models to match the categories across low, medium, and high risk to provide brands a complete video-level picture of where their ads appear, across platforms.

TikTok’s rapid ascension has mirrored their proactive approach to providing advertisers with controls for their content adjacency in a short amount of time. As the platform crossed the billion user mark, Dave Byrne talked about the platform’s approach to working directly with advertisers who are more savvy in brand safety than ever before.

As Zefr and TikTok’s partnership continues to grow, standards like GARM will play an integral role in ensuring clients and brands are aligning with safe and suitable content on the platform. To learn more about TikTok Brand Safety Measurement by Zefr, please contact measurement@zefr.com.

