Real-Time Interaction: The New Frontier of RTC

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5 min readMar 29, 2023

ZEGOCLOUD, a global cloud communication service provider, is upgrading from Real-Time Communication (RTC) to Real-Time Interaction (RTI). RTI constitutes all the products and technology combinations needed to achieve real-time interactive scenarios. With this revolutionary premise, ZEGOCLOUD’s Real-Time Interaction introduces a new level of communication that brings interactions to life, close-to-real, or even beyond reality.

This article will define RTI and its implication for ZEGOCLOUD’s RTC solutions.

Real-time Communication upgrade to Real-Time Interaction

Real-time communication (RTC) and real-time interaction (RTI) are two essential concepts in the digital world. RTC is the ability to send and receive information in real-time instantly. RTI, on the other hand, is an interactive process of exchanging information in real-time and creating shared time and space.

Real-Time Communication

We previously dived into the definition and extent of Real-time communication (RTC) in today’s world. RTC is the ability to communicate, exchange information, and collaborate in real-time. This technology is the norm in business and individual daily interactions, and it’s used in many applications, such as video calling, instant messaging, and gaming.

A client-server model underpins RTC, where a client sends data to a server, and the server sends data back to the client. Basically, the client initiates the communication, and the server responds. All data is sent and received in real-time with no delays or lags.

RTC is generally implemented by:

  • Technology with which end users interact, such as online and mobile apps
  • Technologies that enable backend connectivity, such as SDKs, APIs, and the cloud

Thanks to Real-time communication advances, businesses and organizations increased productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction and cut costs. Users have cheaper access to instant communication with distant friends and family everywhere in the world or enjoy entertaining experiences such as gaming or live-streaming.

Real-Time Interaction

Real-Time Interaction (RTI) is an advanced form of RTC. It is an interactive process of exchanging information in real-time and creating a shared time and space.

RTI is based on a peer-to-peer model, where two or more people can interact with each other in real time. The participants can exchange data, collaborate, and work together in real time. Data is sent and received in real-time without delays, lags, or server mediation.

RTI has the potential for businesses to exponentially increase customer engagement, collaboration, and productivity. It also further reduces operational costs and improves communication between employees. For users, this means a more immersive communication experience.

Critical differences between RTC and RTI

RTC and RTI are similar in enabling people to communicate and collaborate in real-time. Let’s say that we cannot really consider them distinct concepts. In fact, RTI is an upgraded form of RTC; it comprehends it and takes a leap forward with the latest technological advances.

However, there are some key technology-wise distinctions.

As we mentioned earlier, they are based on different models. RTC exploits a client-server model, while RTI is based on a peer-to-peer model. In a client-server model, one party initiates the communication and the other responds. In a peer-to-peer model, two or more parties can interact with each other in real time.

Furthermore, RTC is focused on sending and receiving data in real-time, whereas RTI is focused on creating a shared time and space. This draws the distinction on their primary purpose, which for RTC is exchanging information, while for RTI is collaboration, interaction, and working together in real-time.

Why ZEGOCLOUD launches Real-Time Interaction

By upgrading to RTI, ZEGOCLOUD is undertaking a giant leap forward and accelerating the current Internet evolution from “online communication” to “sharing immersive real-time experience” Real-time interactive innovation technology has indeed become the technical base supporting the in-depth development of the Artificial Intelligence-powered Internet communication. Therefore, ZEGOCLOUD aims to position itself as one of the forefront runners in this transition.

ZEGOCLOUD RTI comprehends Virtual Avatars, AI vision, and status synchronization alongside traditional RTC, IM, and live-streaming, resulting in the advanced ‘three I‘ technology.

RTI features Intelligent, Immersive, and Infinite.

These ‘three I‘ represent the RTI features:

Intelligent and realistic picture quality, achieved through:

  • AI-powered super-resolution: Lower traffic costs, higher resolution
  • Portrait segmentation: real-time and accurate segmentation of the characters and background on the video screen. The user’s background can be blurred, deleted, and replaced anytime.
  • Low-light enhancement: Supports FHD quality video communication in real-time with full device coverage

Immersive sound quality thanks to:

  • AI noise suppression: Automatically eliminates environmental noise during a call; it also intelligently ensures high-fidelity sound quality in online karaoke and musical education scenarios
  • Spatial audio: Supports distinguishing sounds from different locations and distances. Supports only hearing the voices of users within a specific range (shared spatial audio), and replicates how we hear sounds in the real world.

Infinite scenarios and gameplay, including:

  • Simultaneous video interaction with 10,000 participants: Upgraded video calling experience with real-time synchronization of multiplayer status, ideal for large-scale video conferences and virtual world

RTI scenarios

Real-time Interaction technology applicability extends to diverse and rich scenarios, such as:

  • Virtual Space, Open World, Virtual Office
  • Live audio room
  • Online KTV, Online Meetings, Live Show
  • Interactive e-commerce
  • Remote learning
  • Online Finance
  • Gaming

Real-time Interaction solutions can give enterprises great potential for success, helping reduce service costs and increase efficiency. Businesses can connect more people in less time and deliver a better experience to end-customers since they can communicate in real-time without delays and inside immersive frameworks.

Being among the first companies in Asia to provide large-scale audio and video services for virtual scenes, ZEGOCLOUD has invested a lot of resources and workforce in researching various algorithms and technologies such as AI, audio and visual processing, large-scale online human-computer interaction, and data synchronization.

If you want to upgrade your real-time communication to real-time interaction, don’t look no further. Contact ZEGOCLOUD to learn more.

