Leading Your ICO to Success!

Key Learnings From the Smart Containers ICO

Yannick Zehnder
Zehnder Advisory


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not provide financial or investment advice. The reader is aware that there are special risks involved in dealing with blockchain and cryptocurrency assets.

ICOs are everywhere, and the reasons to conduct them are as wide-ranging as the project that does them. From startup crowd financing to growth financing and from small businesses to global running companies. Since the ICO is still a very new way of funding, it is more an art than a science. I am a professional advisor in the ICO space and want to share some crucial learnings I made together with my client Smart Containers.

This publication was created in close collaboration with Carla A. Bünger, Business Development and Marketing Manager at Smart Containers.

To give you a frame of reference for the findings presented below here is a short introduction to Smart Containers.

Smart Containers Group is a Swiss high-tech container provider aiming to create the first fully autonomous container based on blockchain technology, consequently disrupting the logistics industry.

Blockchain-based software and an IoT infrastructure is the core of Smart Containers Group firm technological



Yannick Zehnder
Zehnder Advisory

Co-founder & CEO @ CEVEN. Bleeding edge tech enthusiast, marketing adept, teacher. Man of many hats.