Zelf Global

Global Launch Schedule

Want to know when to expect Zelf in your country? Now you’ll know.

Zelf Team


We work hard to make ZELF available across the globe and every country has its own specifics in financial conduct and personal data legislations. That’s why we have developed a plan for strict regulatory compliance in every destination — and now we are happy to share it with you.

Zelf Global Launch Plan

The basic rule is that ZELF can launch in any country where we have a loсal partner to assure our compliance with domestic laws. It is also important for Apple Pay and Google Pay to be available in the given country, otherwise customers will have a hard time with our “no-plastic” approach to banking.

Being a European company and having European partners we can bring our service to eurozone (SEPA) countries first. In Europe, we chose Treezor, a French Société Générale subsidiary, for opening accounts, holding funds, and issuing cards to Zelfers. Treezor in this setup acts as a Bank-as-a-Service (sometimes referred to as Bank-as-a-Platform) for ZELF.

Our initial push will be the 33 European countries (mostly EU) that share uniform identification and banking rules. After that we proceed globally, focusing on the countries with the most active Zelfers demonstrated by the Leaderboard.

The cards will be issued gradually, with ambassadors and the most active Zelfers served first. Zelfers in France and Spain should all receive their cards by the end of June.


We’d love for Zelf to be available everywhere at once, but it’s not possible. We need to eliminate some roadblocks and become compliant with local laws, for that we need a local partner bank, and you can help.

The good news is that you can shape our plans. No matter where you are, you can pre-order your Zelf card, share your referral link with friends, and earn bonuses (please understand how they work first). You and your friends influence our plans by participating!

Please let us know what you think — happy to hear from you in the comments below.

Keep on Zelfing!

Inspired and motivated,

Your Zelf Team.

You can follow ZELF updates on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter or ask questions and chat with other Zelfers on Discord 🤑✌️🤑

