Zelf Leaderboard

Take Me To Your Leader: Notes on ZELF Leaderboard

Yesterday we presented a long-awaited feature for our community — Zelf Leaderboard, a self-updating list of Top Players of our awesome referral campaign.

Elliot Goykhman


Source: zelf.co

ZELF clan is now growing like crazy and the passionate members who boost our community deserve special honor.

Now, let me explain the mechanics a little.

Score calculation

You were surprised with the figures at first, right? These numbers are not the money in the account, but the total score.

When we were coming up with the leaderboard rules, we wanted to ensure several things. Most importantly the privacy — both of your financial and personal data. How to highlight the TOP Zelfers without revealing their bonus account balance? So the leaderboard ranking has to be the SCORE, not bonuses earned.

That’s how we calculate it:

I hope you were good in math and remember how to add ➕ and multiply ✖. The beauty of this formula is that one can never “reverse engineer” how many bonuses you actually have. Your money is your own business.

Also, you can see that even if you are not the most connected person but you get a lot of followers from the 3rd level down, you still have a chance to get on TOP. So if you actively tell people about ZELF (and your friends do the same), you will have a greater chance of winning 🏆 One of the TOP 3 leaders right now has fewer than 20 invited friends!

Keep in mind — our story just started. The sooner you spread the word about ZELF, the higher you get on the Leaderboard 🚀 You are surely 2–3 handshakes away from some TOP streamer.

What is this competition about?

As I said, we wanted to make a game for everyone with equal opportunities to participate and win. And what this competition is all about?

It’s about the power of community… And prizes!

We already have an exciting idea for the grand prize and top 10 of our Leaderboard.

➕ we want more people to have a chance to win, so I promise you that if we hit 100,000 sign-ups we’ll have prizes for the TOP-1000 to make this race interesting for everyone!

➕ we need your help in figuring out what these prizes will be!

What prize would you like to win from Zelf?

Join new channel #prizeideas in our Discord — make your suggestions and guesses what the prizes will be. The most active and the closest to the truth will get 100€ straight to his current account!

Let the competition begin!



Elliot Goykhman

Founder and CEO @Zelfco and @LikeBnk. Leader, strategist, visionary.