School Time? Here’s How Zeliot Is Reducing Parents’ Anxiety By Making School Buses Safer!

Sachin Kamath
3 min readAug 8, 2019


Picture this. It’s early in the morning, and you’re dropping your kids off at the bus stop. As they enter the bus with their tiffin bags in tow and wave at you, the doors of the yellow bus close shut. It’s hard not to feel anxious at this moment, especially knowing that a total stranger is driving your child to school. While this is understandable, you don’t have to worry about the safety of school buses. With Zeliot’s school bus management software, you will have complete access to the whereabouts of your child, at all times.

The tracking feature, for example, helps you view the location of the bus in real-time. This means that you don’t have to spend hours at the bus stop waiting for your child’s arrival. All you’ll have to do is check the Zeliot app on your phone and you’ll be good to go. That saves you some time to do other things instead, like guzzling down a quick shot of coffee (or five) to prepare for the incoming ball of energy.

In case you’re training your little one to catch the school bus on his or her own, the RFID integration will have your back. That is, as soon as your kid child boards the bus, you will receive a text notification on your phone. So now you’ll know if they’re bunking school to catch that new Spiderman movie! What’s more, upon entering the bus, your child’s attendance will be marked, so it saves time for the teacher, as well.

And not just that: the app also sends you reports and alerts if the driver is over-speeding, or if the vehicle is accelerating or braking harshly. More importantly, each bus that works with Zeliot’s software, also has a panic button installed. So if your child ever feels threatened, unsafe or anxious, all they’ll have to do is press the panic button and the school, emergency personnel, and parents will all be immediately notified.

It isn’t only about the real-time notifications, either. What’s also reassuring is when you know that the bus driver isn’t taking an obnoxiously long route, or is getting stuck at random traffic signals. Fortunately, Zeliot has the automatic routing feature, where all that’s required is to input the data of the number of students, their addresses and the number of buses available. Within seconds, the software will calculate the most efficient route to take to reduce time. Then, the driver can drop off your child as quickly as possible and you can welcome your little tyke with open arms. What else could one ask for, as a parent?

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