Life made easier right from Zelcore

Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2020

“Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same.”
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Zel Team is proud to announce the integration of BitPay into Zelcore.

Bitpay is the largest and oldest payment processor operating in the crypto space today. With a track record dating back to 2011 and multiple contributions both to wallets and crypto adoption, as well as providing solutions for thousands of merchants, Bitpay is truly the granddaddy of crypto payments.

So, how do I use it?

  1. Finish your shopping on a Bitpay accepting site.
  2. During the checkout, open the payment URL with Zelcore.
  3. You will see a request like in the picture above.
  4. Pay with what you have handy.
  5. Done and dusted!

What does this mean for Zel holders, miners, and node operators?

Convenience above all else, there is no loading additional wallets or having to manually copy addresses, let alone anything more complicated.

Being able to spend your coins instead of having to first cash them out via an exchange makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable and quite often you end up with better value than cashing out to spend.

Zelcore and Zelcore+ already offer plenty of options for in-app trading so pretty much no matter what you are holding you will now be able to spend it in a few clicks from Zelcore.

So, should I be rushing out to buy up all the Zel on the market and build new mining rigs?

The short answer is “No!” Never rush into crypto investments without doing a significant amount of due diligence.

What you can do is join the community on Discord or Telegram and check out that the information flow from the project is free, unrestrained, and verifies what is going on.

On behalf of the Zel Team. “Thank you for reading!”


