Takeaways on Privacy from Zel’s Blockchain Developers, Miners and Investors Forum

Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2020

“No one likes to see a government folder with his name on it.”
Stephen King, Firestarter

Having looked at and analyzed the talks and discussions on privacy at the recent Zel conference, I feel confident in drawing the following conclusions from the privacy part.

To achieve the almost always elusive best practices, using more than a single point of failure for privacy is an absolute must.

Many awesome points were raised by @TheInfamousKata of Pirate Chain, Reuben Yap of Zcoin fame, Seth Estrada of mineyour.biz and youtube fame, Daniel Keller from Zel as well as myself from Raptoreum

I have taken the liberty of boiling them down to these five concise points.

  1. Combining your VPN/TOR/I2P with something like MAC address spoofing can secure you against accidental leaking (thank you windows).
  2. Mobile networks generally need an infrastructure change to facilitate real security, till that happens, limit your exposure on mobile devices to a minimum.
  3. Support privacy coins that innovate on the transaction side. This is so we all get to hear even more complicated explanations of farts in elevators. As well as keep our privacy well and truly private.
  4. As much as possible, go nonstandard meaning custom OS for your phones to disassociate yourself from Google, Facebook, etc.
  5. Take back control of your privacy on the internet. Keep up with developments, Brave was excellent for a while but there is a new kid on the block, Braver who currently looks sexier.

We will be releasing a more detailed “Privacy Primer” at some point over the next week or two. With detailed steps for beginners on how to implement the five steps above.

Should you have any questions or additional topics you would like covered, please do leave them in a comment.

On behalf of the Zel team, ”Thank you for taking the time to keep up with us!”


