What is Flux?

Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2020

There has never been an unexpectedly short debugging period in the history of computers.

Steven Levy

Everyone has heard of ETH dapps and smart contracts. Meet Flux, Zel’s second-layer solution to a similar problem, and much more at the same time.

Explain Flux to me in 3 sentences or less, please:

Flux is a host for applications in containers on Zel’s node network. So it is like an operating system (IOS/WIN/Linux) spread over 800+ servers. That is an absurd amount of computing power!

Why does Zel need Flux?

Zel operates a large number of nodes. This is to put them to gainful use outside of merely helping secure the ZelCash network.

Lack of gainful use for service/master-node based projects has led to the downfall of most of them.

You can look at the slow and steady decline of the first few coins to offer such and see why Zel is correct in innovating beyond that redundant stage.

How can I take part in getting the Flux network doing more interesting things?

Should you happen to be a developer or know a developer who has a cool app or app, you can do or suggest the following:

  1. Create a docker image of the app. The main requirement being that it only requires a single port for access.
  2. Log into Flux on a running Zel Node and register the app.
  3. Should you not have access to your own Zel Node to work with. Please reach out to the team on Discord and we will be happy to assist you.

I can not make any promises as to specifics but I can say that “The team will be appreciative of apps contributed by the community!”

So how can I help build this new next level of distributed computing?

  1. Let friends and family who have the skills to dockerize know about Flux.
  2. Get the word out to communities with active developers with cool products.
  3. Be a positive voice, offer up what is going on it the community on Discord and other social media.
  4. You can check out the code here on github https://github.com/zelcash/zelflux or the docs https://zelcash.github.io/zelfluxdocs/ and the docs on the Flux api https://zelcash.github.io/zelfluxdocs/swagger-ui/

On behalf of the Zel team, thank you for taking the time to read up on what is going on in the Zel community!


