Zelcore, Rising!

Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2020

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

What does Sun Tzu have to do with Zelcore? Simple, the sage expressed significant amounts of wisdom about security. The crypto space, in general, has always been a wild west space where the arms race between product owners (usually the good guys) and different flavours of grey and black hats (the bad/badish guys).

ZelCore has been participating in this arms race in multiple ways while at the same time trying to safely offer as many services as possible for ZelCore users.

Several of these services have been welcomed with open arms by ZelCore users, the in-wallet exchange has thousands of regular transactions currently facilitated through several providers.

To expand these services and improve liquidity on them as well as at the same time maintain the highest possible levels of security, Zelcore are partnering with KuCoin.

Why Kucoin and what do they add to the overall Zel family apart from just ZelCore?

KuCoin adds liquidity across a wide range of trading pairs and facilitate a dramatic expansion of the range of in-app exchange pairs for ZelCore.

Apart from that, KuCoin offers one of the highest possible levels of exchange security for users looking for an exchange to trade Zel on.

That is a whopping 6 different authentication factors (the two you memorize = 1). With sufficient device distribution, that renders even fairly sophisticated attacks like SIM swapping ineffective as long as you spread your authentication factors across multiple devices.

Is this the world’s most convenient for quick access, withdrawals, etc?

No, but it is one where you can have a rare quality, peace of mind, so long as you disperse your authentication factors. Hackers usually leverage a single compromised device to gain control of multiple factors of authentication.

Use an off-line tablet for google 2fa, a phone for SMS, a second phone for email, add your computer to the mix running a virtualized browser and you have 4 devices that would all have to be compromised to facilitate a hack. Add a judicious application of the other factors and you have an extremely secure platform to work with.

What does this mean for ZelCore users?

If you are a user of the in-app exchange features, you will fairly soon have access to a much wider range of trading pairs and in the case of many existing exchange pairs, you will see significantly improved liquidity.

What does this mean for Zel holder, miners and investors?

That the changes I covered in another article here are having the desired positive impact on the overall Zel family of products. The expansion of the relationship with KuCoin is a huge plus for everyone involved with the project, both in terms of the delivery of better solutions for end-users with the integration into ZelCore, as well as a secure platform for traders and miners to utilize when purchasing or converting Zel.

Overall, I would say that Zel having been able to build a solid enough relationship with KuCoin for them to agree to a fuller integration, in such a short time frame, is a long-term positive that clearly signals where Zel is headed.

So, should I run out and buy all the Zel?

I have answered that question across several articles and the answer is still the same. “NO!”

As with everything in the crypto space, you need to do a significant amount of due diligence before getting your toes wet. Join the community Discord and Telegram channels and verify what I have put forward in this article.

Then determine your tolerance for risk. Then and only then invest time, money or mining.

On behalf of the Zel team, thank you for your time.


