“Zelphur” — Episode #6

Torch Legacy Serials
“Zelphur” — Serial Novel



I was relieved that the judge seemed to see through the falsehood in Deanna St. Clair’s claims that I had tried to rape her. However, the trial continued, and those who were testifying on my behalf were called to the witness stand one by one.

Mr. Costello, my boss at the banks said, “Your honor, Zelphur Wilkinson has been an exemplary worker. I wish all my employees were like him. He is trustworthy, a hard worker, honest, and a young man of integrity. I cannot perceive him doing something like this. It is just not his character.”

Michael and Raynaldo dittoed each other: “Your honor, frankly, I do not believe Zelphur forced himself on Ms. St. Clair. I was not there, but that is not the Zelphur I know. However, I do know that ever since Zelphur started working at Community Bank, Ms. St. Clair has been trying to get his attention. I do not know how she got back into the building because she did say goodbye to me, and I saw her leave myself.”

Another worker from Wilkinson’s Construction said, “We have known Zelphur from since he was a little boy, and that is just not him. He has been well trained by his parents, and he will do right even if it makes him look bad.”

When my younger siblings were called up, my sister, Clarissa, said, “If it were not for our brother we would be in a foster home right now or probably living on the streets.” She told the story of how I had taken over after our parents died, sacrificing what I wanted to do so we could stay together. “Our brother would never hurt anyone,” Kimba added.

Uncle Jeb was called up next. “I was there when this boy was born, your honor,” he said. “I have seen his parents coach him and his siblings into being people of integrity, and who will stand for what is right. This nephew of mine fears God and will not sin against Him. I say confidently that Zelphur Wilkinson did not violate Ms. St. Clair.”

I was sure that everyone present could see that Ms. St. Clair did not have a case to stand on — especially without a valid doctor’s report. Just as Judge Maynard was about to render his verdict, my brother, Greg, burst into the courtroom. “Your honor, forgive me for being late and for causing a disturbance,” he blurted, “but if you don’t mind, I would like to testify on behalf of my brother.” Uncle Jeb and I looked at each other surprised. Judge Maynard gave him permission to speak.

“Zelphur,” Greg said looking directly at me, “I apologize to you for the hatred and envy I’ve had for you these past few months. There is no excuse for the way I have been treating you and others in the family. I know this is not the place for this, but will you forgive me, little brother?”

Tears formed in my eyes. Yes, I had already forgiven my brother. I had no bitterness in my heart toward Greg — never had; I just wanted what was best for him and the rest of the family. I nodded with a smile.

Greg went on to share with the others in the courtroom the story of our mother’s death, followed by our father’s death, and how I did what he, as the eldest child, should have done, and that is, take on the responsibility of keeping the family together. In spite of his lack of support, I always had a good attitude toward him.

There were whispers in the courtroom as some dabbed at their eyes. Hugs were exchanged as Greg took his place beside the rest of the family. No sooner had things died down, and Judge Maynard opened his mouth to speak again, Cole — one of the men I had met while in jail — walked into the courtroom. He spoke with one of the officers sitting next to me.

“Is everything alright?” Judge Maynard asked.

As the officer walked up to the judge, Cole reached over to shake my hand. Judge Maynard called him to the witness stand.

“Your honor, thank you for allowing me to speak on behalf of Zelphur Wilkinson. I was in jail for nearly one year for stealing when I met Zelphur. He told me he had been falsely accused of violating one of his co-workers. I detect nothing but honesty and purity in this young man. I had given up hope of ever getting out of jail. After sharing with him why I was in jail, he did not put me down, but he renewed hope within me telling me to begin trusting God again even as he was trusting God to deliver him out of his situation. He led me to begin praying again.”

Cole shared some other things with the people in the courtroom and ended with, “I believe God heard and honored this young man’s prayer for me and touched the judge’s heart to release me. I was set free within two days. I kept calling the jail almost every day to find out his status. When they informed me that he would stand trial today, I just had to come by and speak on his behalf, if for no other reason than as payment to him for what he did for me.” Turning to me, Cole said, “Zelphur, thank you for renewing my faith in God. I told you I was going to be in church my first Sunday home; well, I was in church yesterday with my wife and children. Thank you, your honor, for allowing me to speak.”

Our eyes met as Cole left the witness stand. I felt a brotherly bond as he reached over to give me a hug before taking his seat in the crowd.


Clearing his throat and rapping on the bench with his gavel, Judge Maynard continued. “Thank you. Ms. Deanna St. Clair and Mr. Zelphur Wilkinson, please stand. Having heard from both parties as well as from those who testified on behalf of the plaintiff, Ms. Deanna St. Clair, and from those who testified on behalf of the defendant, Mr. Zelphur Wilkinson, I will now render my verdict. I, Judge Maynard, declare … ”

Before he could continue, he was interrupted by a commotion at the entrance to the courtroom. Someone had entered, rather noisily interrupting the proceedings. The person hurried to the front. I gasped. Walter was the last person I expected to see there.

“I presume this is another brother,” Judge Maynard said. “Or is it another friend you met while behind bars?”

“He is another brother, your honor,” Uncle Jeb answered.

“Well, young man, you may take the stand and continue this touching family story,” Judge Maynard said.

Street life had obviously not been favorable to Walter. Little did he know, his siblings and uncle had been praying for him every day, and I was sure God had been working on his heart. I knew he had lost money betting on sports, dealing drugs, consuming alcohol, and trying to buy friends. I just hoped he missed his family and had decided to come home.


Walter knocked on the front door furiously, but no one answered. He knocked on the back door and the side door but received no response. Just as he was returning to his car, Mister Bixley shouted at him. “Walt, is that you?”

“Yeah, Mister Bixley. It’s me.” Why did I have to see you now? Walt braced himself for a tongue lashing from Mister Bixley who was more than just a godfather; he was like a second father.

“You won’t find anybody at home. They’ve all gone down to the courthouse. What happened to you?” Mister Bixley asked as he crossed the lawn. “You look like you’ve been beaten up.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve already figured it out,” Walter said with embarrassment. “Why are they down at the courthouse?”

“Oh,” smiled Mister Bixley. “The prodigal is returning home, eh? The world has beaten you up and has finally knocked some sense into you, eh? Or, could it be that God has finally gotten your attention? We’ve been praying for you, boy. Anyway, they are down there testifying for Zelphur because some woman accused him of rape.”

“Say what! No, not Zelphur!” Walter blurted out. I may have had differences with my brother, but I have to go see what I can do. “How long has this been going on?”

“Oh, he was in jail for about a week and a half. It’s only by the mercy of God and through our prayers that his trial came so early. Do you know that there are men in jail even as I speak who have been there for years awaiting trial over a misdemeanor?”

“I can imagine. Anyway, thanks, Mister Bixley,” Walter said jumping into his car.

“Where are you headed to?” Mister Bixley shouted after Walter as he made a U-turn in the driveway.

“To the courthouse.” The tires screeched as Walter hurried onto the main road. As unkempt as he looked, he too, would testify for his brother. “Lord, help me to make it on time,” he kept repeating to himself, “and help the judge to hear me out.”


By the time Walter finished his testimony there was not a dry eye in the room. I believe even Deanna St. Clair was touched.

Judge Maynard rendered his verdict without further interruption: Deanna St. Clair was charged with obstruction of justice and was sentenced to spend a short amount of time in prison. Clearing his throat, Judge Maynard said loudly, “The defendant, Zelphur Wilkinson, is not guilty. Case dismissed.”


“This calls for a celebration,” Uncle Jeb said as we joyfully headed to our vehicles. Pizza, spaghetti with Italian meatballs, and salad was our celebration meal followed by Dutch apple pie topped with Breyer’s natural vanilla ice cream. Uncle Jeb, Greg, Walter, and myself talked far into the night.

“Uncle Jeb, I owe you an apology,” Greg said humbly. “You lovingly tried to warn me, but I would not listen. And because of that I caused the company to lose customers and money. I felt I could do it without anyone’s help, but it was just pride. I could not accept failure … and I especially did not want to accept failure at the hands of my little brother.”

“The important thing is that you faced up to your faults, that you humbled yourself, and that you are willing to change,” Uncle Jeb said.

“I have something else to confess to all of you,” Greg shifted his eyes to the floor. “I know where the will is,” he said. “Papa left it in his drawer. I found it and hid it. I was afraid of who he may have left the business to — meaning Zelphur. I would have been embarrassed not to be the one to inherit my father’s business being the oldest boy. Quite frankly, Zelphur, I was jealous of you, and I always wanted to be like you.”

I was stunned. I did not know what to say, so I just listened to Greg as he continued talking. “I am responsible for the missing funds. I stole money every now and then and put it in my savings account. I didn’t really need it. I am getting paid enough.”

Greg’s shoulders trembled as he spoke. “You know, every day I blamed myself for Papa’s death. If I had been responsible he would not have had to come up on the roof to examine my work and miss…” Greg choked on his words and let the tears flow freely. I could sense the anger, the bitterness, the envy, the self-blame all roll out with the falling tears. But, oh, the relief it brought, and with it, I felt the strengthening of the family.

Walter, taking a cue from Greg, did some apologizing himself. He confessed the hatred he had harbored in his heart toward me for being who he called ‘Papa’s pet.’ “Zelphur, deep down in my heart, I knew that was not the case. I was only convicted each time you performed well and Papa used you as an example pointing out your success against my failure. I knew Papa said what he said to encourage me to do better. Brother, will you please forgive me?”

“Yes, I forgive both of you. But, there is really no need to ask for my forgiveness,” I told my brothers. I had no bitterness in my heart towards either of my brothers — only love spurred on by my love for God and my desire to do right.

“You know,” Walter continued, “I questioned my Christianity almost every day I was out on the streets. A voice kept pounding in my heart, ‘you need to get saved.’ I remember asking Jesus to save me when I was nine years old, but I think I did it to please Papa. I don’t think my heart was in it.” Turning to Uncle Jeb, Walter asked, “Uncle Jeb, how do you get saved?”

Uncle Jeb, with much delight, showed Walter from the Bible Romans 10: 9 and 13:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved … For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

“Just believe, Walter. Just believe,” Uncle Jeb said. “Believe that you are a sinner, and that Jesus Christ died for your sins, that he was buried, and that He rose from the dead giving us victory over our sins.”

Following Uncle Jeb’s leading, Walter prayed and “called upon the name of the Lord” asking Jesus to forgive him of his sins, to save him, and to deliver him from his sins, and to come and live in his heart granting him eternal life.

We had a rejoicing time in our house that evening and into the early morning. My adrenaline was flowing so heavily sleep did not come easily to me that night.

The celebration week ended with a visit from Rheba. Her dream to become a model had been fulfilled. “I have a new modeling contract and I’ll be moving to New York. So, don’t be surprised if you see my face in magazines soon,” she told us. “However, I decided to come back and see my family, because there’s no place like home.” We were all extremely happy for her.

Later, Mr. Costello offered me the a senior management position at the bank, and he also fired Deanna St. Clair. Michael and Raynaldo were given a pay raise as a reward for standing behind me. In the presence of our family lawyer, Jedediah Wilkinson’s last will and testament was read two weeks after the court case:

Wilkinson’s Construction Company is to be left to the management of Zelphur Wilkinson; His brothers, Greg, Walter, and Trevor are next in line under him, if they are led to accept that position; His sisters, Rheba and Clarissa and eventually Kimba, are to be the book-keepers, if they are led to accept that position; Uncle Jeb is to stay on as advisor.

I wonder at the graciousness of God: What others meant for evil, God meant for good. Now I understood Mama’s words: You never know, God may have placed you here for such a time as this.

The End.

Like Zelphur, you too, can live a life of integrity and honesty and find favor in the eyes of others. That life, if it is to be sustaining, must begin with having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Here’s how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ:

  1. Accept the fact that you are a sinner. Ecclesiastes 7:20 says: “For there is not a just man upon earth that sinneth not.” Romans 3:23 says: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
  2. Accept the fact that there is a penalty for sin. The Bible states in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death…”
  3. Accept the fact that you are on the road to hell because of your sins. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
  4. Accept the fact that you cannot do anything to save yourself from this place called hell. The Bible states in Ephesians 2: 8 and 9: “For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
  5. Accept the fact that God loves you more than you love yourself, and that He wants to save you from hell. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
  6. God wants you to repent of your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and pray and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart and save you this very moment. Romans 10: 9 and 13 says: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
  7. I invite you to trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour now by praying the following prayer: Heavenly Father, I realize that I am a sinner and that I have sinned against You. For Jesus Christ’s sake, please forgive me of my sins. I now believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose so that I could have the victory over my sins and thus inherit eternal life. Please come live within my heart and save my soul from sin and from the punishment of sin. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and change my life. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, and for His sake. Amen.



Torch Legacy Serials
“Zelphur” — Serial Novel

Torch Legacy Publications is publishing Christian serial fiction on Medium!