Tick Tock

Circa 2017

Matt Masters (CHAOSHUMOUR)
Zen and the Art of Chaos


TICK TOCK TICK TOCK… that moment.
That depthless, infinite space between one second and the next.
That transition of death between exhale and inhale.
In less time than it takes for that tiny tensile spring to move the near-weightless seconds hands forward, everything changes.

There could be no reaction, no second guess. You could never have moved.
Everything crumbles, all you know is gone, and the second hand lies still.
Darkness… fathomless… indeterminate… suspended in nothingness.
The numbness engulfs you, cocoons you, you cannot process.

Do you live?
Your mind chases that second that it knows should be coming.
That TICK.
That Heartbeat.
Some physical manifestation to show that time still exists.
Caught between breath, between death.
Thoughts devoid of understanding.

Please… please, please, please let there be more than this.
There must be an understanding, a…



Matt Masters (CHAOSHUMOUR)
Zen and the Art of Chaos

Creator of FEEL THINK DO Journal www.feelthinkdo.live Rider. Learner. Teacher. Fuck up. Coming out the other side enough times to learn… mostly.