10 Bitcoin Threats Nobody Saw Coming

Nothing is Truly Unassailable

Bitcoin For Mere Mortals


We all like to think that Bitcoin is a perfect machine designed to withstand any attack coming from any angle. Whether it is Wall Street, governments, hackers, God almighty, or even Martians the ecosystem will repel any threat and become stronger in the process.

This is mostly true as the network has proven to be extremely resilient to any sort of challenge including hard forks and rogue insiders breaking the consensus.

However, nothing is truly indestructible and everything has an Achilles heel. Yes, even Bitcoin.

What is this fatal weakness that could destroy the hardest monetary network known to humans? How likely is this black swan to occur? Is there a possibility to avoid the attack vector and minimize the damage?

Here are some ways that could turn Satoshi’s dreams into your worst nightmare.

1. International Coalition Attack

Bitcoin is a decentralized network with thousands of nodes and miners spread around the globe securing the network and maintaining the public ledger immutable.

To attack such a system would require international cooperation, massive resources, and a stealth operation. Something that has never even been…



Bitcoin For Mere Mortals

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free