10 Reasons Not to Buy Crypto

Bitcoin vs the Rest

Bitcoin For Mere Mortals


Foto de Art Rachen en Unsplash

If you are new to the crypto world you could be forgiven for thinking it’s all the same. All those tokens and coins you hear about in the news amalgamate into a single category: digital assets. You have Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and then the other 30,000 tokens that fight with each other in a crowded market. They all seem the same to the untrained eye.

But they are not.

Gold is not just another metal, a diamond is not just another stone, and Einstein is not just another clever guy. No, there are classes, categories, and qualities that differentiate the top from the rest and anyone entering the space should be able to separate the wheat from the chaff or risk being scammed.

The differences between Bitcoin and Altcoins are substantial and become self-evident the longer you spend studying this ecosystem.

As we say in the space: Bitcoin is not crypto despite what the cryptobros with a vested interest will tell you to sell you their affinity scam.

There are many reasons to differentiate the only decentralized, the most scarce, and the only immutable blockchain out there from all the other experiments mainly designed to take your money and run.



Bitcoin For Mere Mortals

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free