10 Reasons To Hate Bitcoin

Say No To the Evangelists

Bitcoin For Mere Mortals


Let’s face it, everybody hates Bitcoin. Maybe it’s the insufferable evangelists repeating their mantra to a captive audience or the new rich that just got lucky but pretend to be geniuses, perhaps is the waste of energy to create fake internet money, or even the Michael Saylor fans shouting slogans like To the moon, There is no second best, Only 21 million and similar bullshit.

If you are a law-abiding citizen who works hard, saves money, and invests it in a 401k plan, you just don’t want to hear any more about the wonderful characteristics of the hardest money ever created or the scarcest asset on the planet. You just want to get on with your life without ever touching that money for criminals that boils the oceans and is also a bubble.

The infamous currency, loved by some, and hated by many, doesn’t leave anyone indifferent. It’s all or nothing, black or white, take it or leave it.

These are some of the main reasons you and many others hate the number 1 digital currency and will never take part in it.

1. Bitcoiners

Do you know how to tell someone is a Bitcoiner?

Because they f*cking tell you.



Bitcoin For Mere Mortals

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free