8 Reasons Not to Invest in Bitcoin Right Now

Common sense must prevail

Bitcoin For Mere Mortals


Foto de Lubo Minar en Unsplash

99% of people believe in the dollar. The fiat system is what they know, what they trust, and what they love.

If you have dollars you can buy stuff, prepare for a rainy day, or support the people you love in their life ventures and crises.

Most people are reluctant to invest in general — stocks, real estate, entrepreneurship, etc- they rather hold on to their savings and avoid risk. Better the devil you know and all that.

They even go as far as rationalizing their concept of money and saying things like: ‘Money is the root of all evil’, ‘I don’t need money to be happy’, and similar pearls of wisdom.

You can lie to yourself until the cows come home but the fact remains that unless you have enough wealth accumulated in inflation hedge assets, you won’t be able to enjoy your retirement, provide for your family, or even live a half-decent life.

When I speak to the average Joe about Bitcoin I notice pushback, rejection, and the inability to face the facts. Hiding one’s head in the ground and pretending that all is going well is easier, but at some point, you have to face reality and question some of the assumptions you have about money.



Bitcoin For Mere Mortals

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free