What is This Bitcoin Nonsense All Over Again?

Someone Press The Off Button Please

Bitcoin For Mere Mortals


Here we go again. 2024 and everybody is talking about this Bitcoin thing once more. The price is back to all-time highs, the big players are coming in and the media is spreading love and hate at equal parts about the so-called digital gold.

Bitcoin has been declared dead several times before, yet it always comes back with renewed strength. It has been called dirty names like criminals’ currency, energy waster, bubble, Ponzi, and magic internet money. According to detractors is the worst evil ever. According to proponents is the solution of all problems.

So, who is right? Is it that bad? Is it so good? Will it eventually die as predicted 400 times and counting? Or will it become the world’s favorite currency surpassing the dollar and all the other national currencies?

Let’s see what’s the big deal here.

Raison D’être

Satoshi Nakamoto released Bitcoin in 2008 to provide alternative money that doesn’t require intermediaries or minting.

Banks have been the necessary evil for centuries but their power, greed, and corruption have left many unhappy customers while angry taxpayers footed the bill. A reminder that they privatize profits and socialize losses…



Bitcoin For Mere Mortals

Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free