My New Journey on Medium!

I love this community and very glad to meet you here.

Dak V
ZEN do
2 min readJul 16, 2024


New Slogan Designed by Author with Canva

You are welcome to follow my new journey on Medium!

I have a Masters in Medicine, applied for a PhD in Psychology, worked in HR, Venture Capital, experienced an awakening of my inner journey, and underwent a major transformation in my life.

Now I’m freelancing, have my own self-publishing in my country and have 10000+ subscribers 3 months after I started writing.

Still growing fast.

I have a wide range of hobbies and multiple perspectives (medicine, business, sociology, psychology, spirituality), and am now exploring my inner self and expressing myself through intuitive writing.

Offering my perspectives and experiences to my readers in my most authentic voice, and I hope to offer my unique value on Medium as well, sharing my own experiences of writing and transforming as a newbie.

I am also a Hermes practitioner exploring the spiritual world.

Master the mind, win the game, earn the rewards, enjoy life of love, happiness, freedom, and abundance. Introverted serial entrepreneur, TedX Curator, M.D.



Dak V
ZEN do

Zen, AI, INFP, ADHD, Neurodiversity, Neuroqueer, Borges.