Tracking Thought Response

The Core of Zen

Dak V
ZEN do
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash

Confronting Your Greed

Even if you can’t get rid of your greed right now, at least you can recognise it. It is not about giving up your greed right now; it is not realistic. But this post today tries to make sense of it. You’ll find out what greed is and what it does — a small hungry ghost, a horrible kind of possession. You are almost there to separate yourself from it once you can clearly identify it.

Acknowledging the Actual Character of Thoughts

Krishnamurti spoke about this: you won’t approach a snake again once you realise it’s one. Still, the majority of people regard it just as a rope, maybe believing they can make use of it.

They therefore take it up and play with it, stepping into its trap. But you’ll know right away if that’s a snake. You will naturally begin to wonder what effects this notion might have.

You start assessing the possible results of your ideas. You can see the fallout from your possessiveness and your infatuation.

Closing the Observation Time Gap

You can overcome this time gap even if these effects won’t become clear for a week or a few days later. Many times, people forget about the interval. They are unable to see the causal link between their previous acts and their present retaliation, hence they often believe that the two are unrelated. Nevertheless, you can now gradually become able to see this. A few days later, you can follow how these ideas will provoke a reaction.

Thought Response Experimentation

I recommend that you get right to experimenting. Not just those who meditate or practise Zen get prompt replies; everyone does. You can try it now: by tomorrow or the day after, sometimes even within an hour, any negative thinking you have will provoke a reaction. This will clarify the universe’s laws for you.

The laws of the cosmos always exist; religion is not necessary for them. Being objective, the energy reaction does not require religion to exist. Your thoughts will respond whether or not you practise any religion — be it Buddhism, Catholicism, any other religion, or atheism. Thoughts will still generate responses even if you don’t think energy exists.

The Inherent Nature of Thought Responses

Responses are innate to thoughts! You have to watch for these reactions because they will arrive sooner or later. Once you see them, you don’t need someone to remind or educate you. You will realise what issues and results your ideas will bring about. You will be able to see things firsthand and perhaps predict the outcomes immediately.



Dak V
ZEN do

Zen, AI, INFP, ADHD, Neurodiversity, Neuroqueer, Borges.