Dreams: Lost & Found

Art of Losing, from mother to child — a poem

Zen Poetry
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2023


Photo by Herbert Grambihler on Unsplash

Little child
Crying by the window
“My dream is all I know
where else can I go?
What is the point of us living
if we don’t love what we are doing?”

Mama please
Just tell me which way I should go

Little child
Crying by the window
How much you have grown
Your pain I have always known
Each day you are getting wiser
In a world that is no kinder


For every dream that was lost
There is another to be found
You need to give all you have got
You must try and get back up
Though the road may get longer
Every time you are getting closer


What our dreams are truly made of
The moments of joy, love, and hope
More than big cars or shiny rings
Dreams are paths, life is a journey
You will find it in the people you love
You will find it in the places you go
You will find that dreams are never lost
Your dreams are just waiting to be found


Give yourself some time
Calm the voices in your head
As long you have done your part
Leave the rest in Heaven’s hands
You will always be enough
You are more than your self-doubts

Of all the dreams I had in the past
You are the one that is meant to last

Thank you for tagging me in this meaningful writing challenge by :

What does “The Art of Losing” mean to you?

While I was contemplating on writing this piece, the thought of “dream” came to mind — what happens when the time comes for my (future) children to face the realities of life in terms of achieving their dreams? What am I going to say to them, if they ask for guidance? How am I going to comfort them?

Of course I want my children to succeed and live the ideal life they want, but then I also questioned myself, “How can I provide the answer when I myself have yet to achieve my own dream?”. I would probably sound like a hypocrite — which in my opinion, not a good way to approach this.

Taking my own experience/behaviour into account, what I am trying to convey here is that the expectation/desire of personal dreams is as important as the awareness/acceptance on the realities of life.

Often times our lives don’t go the way we wanted and there are a lot of factors which is out of our control. However, we CAN control the way we respond to obstacles in life, e.g., managing expectations / dreams, maintain positive attitude to achieve the dream no matter how hard or long the process is.

For me, it was management of my expectations/dreams — just be happy with ordinary moments of life rather “big dream” per se, which is my current way of life (changed/find a more achievable dream in the present circumstance). If my children is willing to pursue their dreams despite very challenging circumstances then I would gladly support them 100%, that would be their way of life.

If they tried and they failed, that would be fine (not the end of the world)
If they tried and they succeed, that would be awesome and indeed a proud achievement

Dreams are not limited to end goals only (e.g., becoming a singer/dancer/artist); it can also be the way a person lives their life, for example: Spend your life with someone who loves you for you, normal 9 to 5 work so you can have some work-life balance, having a family, rescue cats and dogs….It does not always have to be those big and grand dreams like fame or popularity with tons of followers, in the end it all comes down to whether my children are truly happy in life.

When one visualizes a dream, it is always about “happiness” — and happiness can come in so many form if one is open-minded about it. Why should we feel ashamed of not having dream / having ordinary dreams in life? It’s our life after all.

P.S.: While writing this piece, the words kept playing in my mind like a song; unfortunately, I am horrible in music so I couldn’t make a demo song to show how the words were sang :(

Here I would like to kindly extend this writing challenge to fellow writers whom I know will surely amaze us with their wonderful pieces (do tag me once you have written your piece :D would love to read them!!)

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Zen Poetry

❀ Spiritual Poet & Artist in Love & Life ❀ Psy/Int.Business Major ❀ INFJ ❀ Lover of Nature ❀ Writes Poems to Comfort Lost or Kindred Souls ❀ Seeker of Lessons ❀