First Love

Remix from an old journal

Zen Poetry
Published in
Jul 16, 2022


Image by author

You found me intriguing enough
a diamond in the rough

But what I knew
that you didn’t know

Was you were captivated
by a play of light

A trick of the senses

When the headiness wanes
as it always does

There is only clay unpolished
and untempered

The world is littered too full

With failed Pygmalion projects
wasteland of aborted wishes

We’d have been better off
the both of us

Had we just walked on by
that fateful day

But what I’d hoped
that you didn’t want

Was to know the shining promise
of first love perchance

© ine fandango 2022

Dedicated to the young Chinese guy I hope grew to find self-acceptance and who taught me the lesson of needing to find mine, as a fellow traveller outside the mainstream.

