Free From Fear (Pt. 1)

Mescaline Brisset
Zen Poetry
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2022


An Acrostic Poem

Photo by Lisha Riabinina on Unsplash

I experience freedom when

A truly unadorned light becomes
My home

Fully aware of my actions
Roughly patched paths perish
Excavation of my innermost thoughts — an
Elegy for the

Fragmentation of lies
Roaring from other people’s mouths, I’m riding
On my own crest of a wave –
My inner haven

Fury, frustration, fear fibres
Experienced in times in-between
Are not there anymore
Rammed into a climactic catastrophe

When I write
Hyaenas vanish
Every word, image, thought in my mind matters
No matter what happens anywhere else
Even enemies evaporate
Vanquished in an argument
Estranged in their tautology
Ruminating about illogical, illicit issues

I weave, I thread, I rip off

