Free From Fear (Pt. 3)

Mescaline Brisset
Zen Poetry
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2022


An Acrostic Poem

Photo by the Author, edited

I experience freedom when

Another world from the past
Mingles with my current view of things

Free from any prior concerns, the
Record player is usually scrambling through
Emulating and enunciating

Words spoken on the radio
Halos around my past devilish life
Every time I want to cross that line
Never mind, I remember it anyhow
Every time I felt freedom, a
Excitement for new achievements
Rolled up, ringing with new bells

In the church, in the field, in the space between

Avenged in so many ways
Melted in the way of my lavish life

Divans, along the alleys
Rolled on grass and moss
Opposite to
Who I am now
Nature lover — that’s my kind
Inside my little shell, I locked myself in
Never wanting to be hurt again
Galloping through thick trees

