November’s Poetry Prompt Contest: The Desert

Find, Live and Escape “The Desert” in your poetry

Warren Brown
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2021


Use the “The Desert” prompt in any poetic form to express your feelings and your life. You could talk about a real desert experience, a fantasy experience, or compare a desert to a situation in your life. Feel free to let your thoughts flow, as you relive the time when you or a friend was in “The Desert”.

This prompt is open to all poets. There is no deadline. The best poetry on “The Desert”, will get a special mention in Zen Poetry. Tag me, Warren Brown in poetry where ever you publish it. You are also welcome to publish your poem in Zen Poetry.

Thank you for taking part in this poetry writing prompt.

I am sending out a Zen Poetry invitation to my Fellow Writers, Readers, and Followers to use this prompt to stir your imagination, for the month of November, as we have all lived through “The Desert”, and recently found our oasis as we managed to get our lives back to some extent.

