
Lucky Luke
Zen Poetry


A Poem Dedicated To The Scorpion King


October 23 — November 21

Mantra: I Transform

Body Part: The Genitals & Bowels

Colors : Red & Black

Ruling: Mars & Pluto

Intense and Passionate

The Scorpion King

The Scorpion Queen

The creature with the

Burning sting.

Scorpio’s love passion

Scorpio’s love the mysteries and the occult

Scorpio’s love darkness

If you cross a scorpio

Be aware they live for war

They will take revenge.

Mystery on the outside

Fiery and sexual on the inside

Ruled by Mars energy

Ruled by strong sexual energy

Scorpio’s love too reproduce

Scorpio’s regenerate easily

The most sexual and intense

Sign of the Zodiac.

Kissing, Touching, and Caressing

Is what the Scorpion King And Queen like



Lucky Luke
Zen Poetry

I am a world traveler,poet, and mystic who loves to write explore and enjoy the good things in life. I write to inspire and encourage everyone to be happy.