
The God of Mirrors-Every Reflection Every Soul is Watched in Life

Did you Watch Your Soul This Morning?

Zen Poetry
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2024


Greek God statue.
Photo by Daniels Joffe on Unsplash

Every mirror, every image, captures a soul,
That is what the Greeks and Romans believed.
When a mirror cracks it has been for generations said.
Seven years of bad luck will fall on your tiny head.

The God of mirrors looks at his mirrors every day.
He enjoys watching the lives of a billion souls.
There is a sense of wonderment and a sense of awe,
When we imagine what all the God of Mirrors saw.

When a careless soul breaks a mirror on a lazy day,
A lot of bad luck will fall on that person for seven years.
There will be a lot of unhappiness and a few tears.
That is just a lot of superstition, so have no great fears.

Did you watch your reflected soul this morning?
Did it impress you or did it depress you?
The mirrors we carry we hold in our eyes,
That reveal our souls, honesty, betrayal and lies.

