Write it like your life depends on it!

A poetry challenge

Zen Poetry
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


Photo by David Klein on Unsplash

First, I would like to thank for tagging me in this fun challenge! This is my first poetry challenge so I was excited to begin! Oh please do check out his awesome takes on the challenge as well here!

This is a poetry challenge chain (kindly refer to the post here!) started by which was based on a poem written by William Carlos Williams:

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

I admit I was struggling quite a bit at the beginning but I think I kind of got the hang of it eventually (I hope)

So here are my 4 takes, let’s go!

Photo by Josefa nDiaz on Unsplash

so much depends

pages of

and well
kept KPI

each day
just to get by

Photo by HamZa NOUASRIA on Unsplash

so much depends

a mask of smile

to blend in
with the mass

to avoid
outsider’s distress

Photo by Kuo-Chiao Lin on Unsplash

so much depends

that little voice in
your head

to stand and
give it your all

to fall and
get back up again

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

so much depends

the courage to

to turn love
into an opportunity

or let it remain
forever a regret

Truth be told, I did not intend for my takes on the challenge to be so…dark or packed with negative elements (sorry guys lol). I guess my mind is stuck on “things / values / practices that are essential in life” and somehow the ideas were linked to lessons I learnt or observed in general haha

Tagging , , , , , , as well as anyone else who is interested in joining the fun!

Thank you for reading.

If you are interested to see more of my works, please follow me & click on the below link for my published works:

Poems by Nis;RE

36 stories



Zen Poetry

❀ Spiritual Poet & Artist in Love & Life ❀ Psy/Int.Business Major ❀ INFJ ❀ Lover of Nature ❀ Writes Poems to Comfort Lost or Kindred Souls ❀ Seeker of Lessons ❀