Member-only story
30Min Live Sessions — Body Scan to Relax the Body and Calm the Mind
Sessions in European Portuguese
I’d like to invite you to a few moments of live body relaxation on InsightTimer, available for free on your computer or mobile app.
Through relaxation, we will reduce stress and calm our emotions and thoughts in a meditative state. These sessions will be guided in European Portuguese.
On these days, let’s take a few moments to pause and take care of our bodies and minds. Using our attention and Body Scan techniques, we’ll relax our limbs and release any tension that may be present.
Visit the Insight Timer profile page and check the Events tab to see next sessions:
30 Min Body Scan — Relaxar o Corpo e Acalmar a Mente
Com Zen Michael
Momentos de pausa para cuidar do corpo e da mente. Utilizando a nossa atenção e técnicas de Body Scan (perceção corporal) vamos relaxar os membros e libertar a tensão que esteja presente. Através do relaxamento, vamos reduzir o stress e acalmar as emoções e pensamentos, num estado…