Book Suggestions for Gifts

Simple ways to create calm and joy

Zen Michael
Zen Breaks
14 min readNov 30, 2022


Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

One of the most frequent reasons for stress is buying gifts.

Searching, deciding, ordering, and knowing if it arrives on time, are steps that we don’t always deal with in the best way.

Trying to help, I suggest some books that I recommend as gifts.

Most of these books can be great gifts for any time of the year, such as birthdays or special dates like Christmas, or just when we feel the urge to offer something positive to a friend.

1 — For children and the whole family

Some are options for kids but that can join the whole family, in a common activity of sharing moments of calm and creativity.

They allow activities in which we use the body’s capabilities to slow down mental activity and therefore have a very interesting relaxing effect.

2 — For yourself

Others books, more for adults, try to help us reflect more on everything positive that life offers us every day.

They can be good supports to focus more on positive thoughts and attitudes, helping us to know ourselves better and create better daily habits.

These books are also nice options to surprise your friends.

3 — To keep the mind sharp

I also include some books useful to keep the mind sharp in older people and to help everyone pass the time in a creative and mind-stimulating way.

4 — For your friends

Last but not least, some books / options that we can offer our friends and that can motivate them to create some reflection habits that contribute to a more positive attitude.

Below you can see the suggestions for books/gifts for this holiday season.
The links refer to the US Amazon store but all this books are also available in other countries, many even with Spanish language versions. These are not affiliated links but I get a small compensation if you buy the books through these links, so that is a way for you to support Zen Breaks.

1 — Children’s books/family activities

2 — Books gifts for yourself (adults self-development) and friends

3 — Relaxing mental activity for adults/puzzle books

4 — Simple gifts for friends

Create joy

If you give away some of these books and want to share the results, I would love to hear people’s reactions.

I hope that these books help you to create moments of calm and joy in your life and in the lives of those you love the most.



Zen Michael
Zen Breaks

Remember you can always find peace and joy — just look inside yourself. Zen Breaks | Zen Michael