Zendesk Brand Team Offsite

Jeanie Mordukhay
Zendesk Design
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2015

From the outside, being on the Creative Team can seem like an extended trip to art camp. But the truth is, we spend a lot of time and energy helping other departments bring their visions to life. Our own projects usually get stuck on the back burner.

Which is why the Zendesk Brand team spent a whole day last month hidden away in a photographer’s loft on the outskirts of the SOMA District. Using the Design Thinking process, we participated in activities focusing on empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. Our goal was to develop a more proactive team.

Whether or not we achieved that goal in a single day remains to be seen, but we’re definitely heading in the right direction. We left at sundown with an outline for two weird and intriguing projects, both of which should help us do great work and surface new ideas for the future.

