The Best ManyRequests Alternative in 2022

Wojciech Baranowski
Zendo Blog
Published in
11 min readMar 29, 2022

Are you having trouble managing multiple clients? Perhaps the difficulties coming from choosing the right client requests management software are too overwhelming? What is the best ManyRequests alternative? Well, a lot of things may keep you far from making a decision, we get that. That’s why we’ve prepared this article, to help you make that decision.

ManyRequests is already a well-established portal for client and request management. There are, however, some alternatives. One, in particular, is worth taking a detailed look into and its name is Zendo.


Before diving into the details of the best ManyRequests alternative, let’s answer the question of what ManyRequests is and what it has to offer.

What is ManyRequests?

ManyRequests is a client portal software designed for use by agencies. With the platform, companies can take care of their clients, automate processes, as well as manage communication.

Client Portal

The platform is designed for managing clients, but does it mean it’s only meant for that purpose? Certainly not.

With ManyRequests, you can instantly access files, reports, invoices, and much more. And there’s no need for other external tools.

  • Use branding and the domain name of your choosing.
  • Manage and create onboarding.
  • Custom menus (available soon).

By creating the account, you gain access to the panel where you can invite new clients (and team members). Adding tags, editing customer information, sending important announcements, assigning account managers to each client — that all can be done from the client portal.

When it comes to sharing files and invoices, customers have access to project deliverables and can also upload files, as well as have an insight into their invoices.

Last but not least, the client portal allows agents to show results and project planning to customers. They can do so by embedding them into their portal.

Checkout Forms

ManyRequests allows its clients to customize their client area to their needs. Creating intakes, allowing customers to purchase one-off or recurring services, or integrating the platform with Stripe are just a few of the possibilities.

A checkout form can be embedded into the pricing page. Alternatively, payment links can be sent to customers.

By integrating Stripe with ManyRequests, companies can receive payments in a matter of minutes. It is not obligatory, though, as they can still keep the traditional manual payment methods. However, Stripe integration allows easy migration of existing subscriptions and clients. And there are zero commissions except for the Stripe fee:

Client Requests

In order to make client requests more readable, ManyRequests implemented quick filters to sort the requests and assign new tasks along with tag requests.

Assigning tasks on the platform is also pretty easy as you can auto-assign requests to certain team members, add internal comments for your co-workers to see, and share files and previews with the clients.

Speaking of clients, they stay up-to-speed as there’s only one single thread for every task with due dates, priorities, notifications, and replies (customers can reply via email).

The platform also offers custom statuses that change based on different actions.


ManyRequests features integration with Zapier that allows the users to send notifications directly to Slack, as well as send payments to accounting software.

Moreover, the platform features referral programs: Tapfiliate, GetRewardful, or Firstpromoter.

Intercom,, Hubspot, and Crisp — these are a few more integrations of ManyRequests.

ManyRequest Pricing

Besides the subscription plans that you can see below, the platform also offers a 14-day free trial. No credit card is required and you can cancel anytime.


  • $49 per month/billed annually.
  • Two team members.
  • An unlimited number of clients.


  • Ideal for small businesses.
  • $129 per month/billed monthly or $99 per month/billed annually.
  • Five team accounts.
  • An unlimited number of clients and requests.
  • No transaction fees.
  • Your own domain can be used.
  • White-label client portal.
  • Features integrations.
  • Custom domain name.


  • Designed to scale your agency.
  • $299 per month/billed monthly or $249 per month/billed annually.
  • Everything included in the basic plan.
  • 10 team accounts.
  • $20 per extra seat.
  • Affiliates module.
  • You can use your own address for email notifications.
  • “Powered by” sign removed.
  • Custom domain name.


  • Customized solution.
  • Custom development suited to your needs.
  • One-on-one onboarding.
  • Tips on group training and best practices.
  • An unlimited number of team accounts.

Features and prices are subject to change.

The Best ManyRequests Alternative — Zendo

Now, that we’ve explained and covered ManyRequests platform, it’s time to focus on the subject of this article — the best ManyRequests alternative.

What is Zendo?

Zendo is a platform that gives companies one organized space to work with clients and sell services. Communication is at the heart of Zendo so the platform gives you the ability to manage all your client interactions in a single place.

What’s more, with the platform’s extensive features, you can store feedback, decisions, approvals, and files, in one place. A true all-in-one solution.

The general premise of the platform is to maintain one source of truth so you can focus on selling and delivering services.

Additionally, Zendo is designed to be simple and friendly to use so there shouldn’t be any issues with getting to know the platform. Taking into consideration all of the above, we can clearly see why Zendo may actually be the best ManyRequests alternative.

Client Portal

With Zendo, you can create a branded client portal that will impress your customers. They can communicate with you, order services, share files, complete payments, and more! And the best thing about it all is that your clients do not need a Zendo account for you to use all the platform’s features. The communication is based on email so they do not have to leave their inbox to interact with you.

Shared Inbox and Communication

Zendo features a functionality that every ManyRequests alternative should have and it’s a shared inbox. It essentially allows you to store all customer communication in one place, no matter the source. The communication is based on email but you can also connect other sources with Zapier. Thanks to it you can:

  • Connect multiple email inboxes and store all communication in one place. Never miss another message from a customer.
  • Easily find all the information you’re looking for.
  • Forget about CCs, BCCs, and email forwarding.
  • Use private notes to communicate internally with teammates.
  • Use one tool, no more tool switching.
  • Add all stakeholders as watchers to the communication feed (and they’re free!).

What’s so great about the shared inbox is that it’s not even obligatory for your customers to use Zendo directly, as they can still use their regular email inbox and all its messages will be reflected on the platform. With Zendo, you do not have to change the behavior of your clients. All these functionalities make the platform shine the brightest among any other ManyRequests alternative.

Another important feature of the platform is the ability to create private notes within the client request or their profile for the team to see. By doing so, you can make sure that all team members are brought up to speed and stay on the same page.

Also, notes functionality can be used by agents to communicate with each other, so they do not have to switch tools. Of course, notes are private so the customer cannot see them.

But wait! There’s more! For your and your clients’ convenience, Zendo has included the following features:

  • Emojis.
  • Message status.
  • Edit/delete messages.
  • Mark as unread.
  • Mentions (coming soon).

Customer Requests

With Zendo, you can create an unlimited amount of custom request types with their own rules, statuses, custom fields, and payment types. Separate request types can also be created for specific services, or you can use them more generally for support, sales, or general inquiries.


Yet another distinctive feature of this ManyRequests alternative are built-in statuses that allow your clients to see the request progress, which reduces the amount of communication. Statuses can also be used to indicate the internal progress of work. Some of them can also be triggered automatically based on events, for example, sending an estimation or receiving payment. On top of that, you can create as many custom statuses as you like for each of the request types.

Custom Fields

Custom fields power up your request types. You can create as many custom fields for each request type as you like. Each one can either be set to be visible or hidden for a client. That way you can use them both internally and externally.

They are a great way for storing additional information, tracking progress, or using them as counters. There are no limits to custom fields as they give you extreme flexibility.

Automatic Messages

The platform also allows you to create follow-up messages for each request type. Whenever a customer sends a new inquiry, they will receive a follow-up message. Not only can follow-up messages increase your chances of successfully closing a deal or helping the customer, but they also influence customer satisfaction. In 2019 alone, follow-up messages had the following response rate (even though it applies to email, the premise stays the same):

  • First email: 18% response rate.
  • Fourth email: 13% response rate.
  • Sixth email: 27% response rate.

Each request type comes with its own unique email address that can be connected to any external source, i.e., any contact form; doesn’t matter whether it’s WordPress, Wix, or any other platform. More integrations can be achieved with Zapier.

Payments and Invoicing

Zendo allows you to send estimations and complete payments within the communication feed. This enables you to eliminate the need for external tools. Moreover, companies can predefine services and subscriptions, and sell them with just one click.

The platform uses Stripe as the payment provider. This enables automatic invoice generation, both for you and your customers upon payment. Thanks to that feature, you don’t have to worry about manually generating invoices ever again.

Order Page and Forms

You can create publicly accessible order pages with ease that can be branded and customized in any way you like. What’s more, such an order page can be easily embedded into your website!

The image above shows the process of creating an order page.

You can customize the order forms with as many fields as you like to gather all the necessary information about your client’s request. Each request type comes with its own order page, because of that you can create a different order form for each of them.

And that’s what a ready order page may look like!

Zendo also has the full process of checkout built right into the app. Because of that, it is extremely easy for your customers to purchase services from you.

The platform also detects already registered clients and will prompt them to log in in order to retrieve their billing information. By doing so, clients won’t have to fill out the form again and the payment will proceed instantly with the invoice being issued automatically.

CRM and Client Profile

The platform has a built-in CRM and each of the customers has a client profile page. This functionality gives you a full history of the agent-client interaction, where information such as notes, orders, files, and messages are stored. That way, it is very easy to get the full context of a particular client, even if he comes back to you after months of inactivity. You won’t find yourself missing the context or having to look for information in various places.

The client profile is very handy when it comes to managing attachments. Customers often lose files and ask to share them again after months of delivery. With the client profile, it is very easy for your clients to find them. All they need to do is log in, no more digging through email attachments.


With Zendo, you can assign different roles to users based on the level of permissions you want them to have. There are 5 base roles available: watcher, agent, manager, admin, and owner.

But what do they actually mean? Let’s quickly explain each of them.

When Watchers are added to a request, they see the information included but cannot make any changes or send messages. What’s more, they are free and do not count as seats in your plan.

Agents can interact with requests they are assigned to.

A Manager has access to all requests and can also assign them. The role can manage clients but cannot modify the platform nor add team members. Additionally, a manager can also impersonate clients and other managers.

An Admin has all permissions without managing the subscription plan.

The Owner has all permissions. He can also manage the subscription plan.

Who is Zendo for?

Zendo has been designed to meet the needs of different industries, such as web and graphic design, web development, marketing agency, translation and localization, IT services, customer support, and more. Most importantly, the platform is meant for those who communicate and sell their services online.

With easy client onboarding and a small learning curve, the platform features all the necessary functionalities for your entire business to effectively sell services. Still not convinced about Zendo being the best ManyRequests alternative? Then let’s check out the Zendo Explainer below!


The platform offers three pricing options for its clients along with a free trial.


  • $5 per agent, per month, billed annually/$6 per agent, per month, billed monthly.
  • Up to two agents.
  • Designed for micro teams.
  • For those who want to get their business off the ground.


  • $19 per agent, per month, billed annually/$23 per agent, per month, billed monthly.
  • Up to 100 agents.
  • Designed for growing businesses.
  • All features available for the team without limitations.


  • Custom price (requires a contact beforehand).
  • An unlimited number of agents.
  • Designed for companies in need of a custom plan structure.
  • Custom features.

As you can see above, Zendo’s pricing starts just from $5 per agent. What’s more, you can try the platform free for 14 days with no credit card required and get access to all the features.

Additionally, each plan includes:

  • File storage of 10GB x number of agents.
  • Unlimited history.
  • Unlimited payments.
  • Invoicing through Stripe.
  • Different levels of permissions: Agent, Manager, Owner.
  • Unlimited number of watchers.
  • Auto assignment.
  • Restrict submission access.
  • In-app and email notifications.
  • Three language settings: English, Italian, and Polish.
  • Date and currency format.
  • Time zone selection.
  • Unlimited requests and request types.
  • Triggers and automation.
  • Search and filtering.
  • Unlimited custom statuses and custom fields.
  • List view.
  • Unlimited messages, notes, and attachments.
  • Message delivery status.
  • Emojis.
  • Logo upload and accent color customization.

And even more new features are yet to come!

  • Productized services.
  • Zapier integration.
  • Mentions.
  • Custom domain.
  • Kanban view.
  • Request delivery date.

Features and prices are subject to change.


Let’s sum up all the things that we’ve learned about Zendo — the ManyRequests alternative and about ManyRequests itself.


Originally published at

