Wellness: A way of life

Akshaya Krishnan
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2019

Wellness is a choice and a process that we make every day to lead a better, healthier and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than just being disease free; it is a dynamic operation of change and growth in human beings.

Wellness matters because every aspect of our body, mind and soul are interconnected and taking care of them individually is crucial. An individual’s wholesome well-being affects their actions and emotions and then again their well-being, it is a continuous cycle.

Optimal health is achieved only when all the dimensions of health are balanced and when each dimension is at its optimum level. There are eight dimensions of wellness which are interrelated to one another and affect changes in one effect the other. They are:

Emotional wellness
Emotional wellness comprises of dealing with your feelings and emotions and coping with them. It involves not only understanding one’s own feelings but also appreciating other’s feelings. An important aspect of achieving emotional wellbeing is to manage emotions in a constructive way and to always feel positive and passionate about life.

Financial wellness
Financial wellness deals with managing one’s expenses and saving adequately. Insufficient finances always lead to problems in life; they could be health issues or even academic non-performance. Financial wellness is also about securing for the future, making the right investments and preparing for short and long term emergencies as well.

Environmental wellness
Leading a lifestyle that is respectful of our surroundings and keeping the future generation’s needs in mind is Environmental wellness. This sphere motivates human beings to live in harmony with our earth and protect it. It defines the relationship and interactions shared between nature and man. The state of the earth affects our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.

Intellectual wellness
Intellectual wellness involves expanding your knowledge and being open to new ideas. It emboldens the participation of human beings is scholastic and cultural areas. One recognises other’s creative abilities and appreciates them and is always on the lookout for more knowledge. It includes sharing and gaining knowledge and ideas across various platforms.

Occupational wellness
Occupational wellness involves enjoying the occupational endeavours and appreciating the contributions made to the workspace by you and others. The dimension encourages satisfaction on a personal level as well as helps enrich your work by allowing you to observe and appreciate other’s work.

Spiritual wellness
Spiritual wellness enables you to acquire and develop certain values and skills that will help you grow as a person. Spirituality is represented differently by people, some see it as a form of relaxation and others see it as a religious form. Being spiritually well equipped translates to being able to cope with everyday problems.

Physical wellness
Physical wellness talks about maintaining your physical body and taking necessary care and precautions whenever required. This wellness is attained through a healthy diet, exercise, sleep. One must also pay attention to symptoms of any illness and get help as and when required.

Social wellness
Social wellness enables adoption and recognition of social roles and performing them effectively and comfortably. It shows the importance of creating a network of social relationships. It allows you to develop facilitating relationships with your peers as well as intimate relationships with family and dear ones.

The coming together of these spheres and their interactions and interconnections help us lead a disease-free and robust life.

This article was originally published on the Zenduty Blog. Zenduty is a revolutionary incident management platform that allows incidents to be reported, escalated and resolved faster. Sign up for free here.

