Why you need Zenduty when Slack is down

Vishwa Krishnakumar
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2021

Today was one of the rarest of rare occasions when Slack encountered an extended outage for more than 12 hours(hugops to the good folks in the Slack production team). Over 12M people use Slack globally for their day-to-day operations, and about 4–5M developers and production engineers rely on Slack for critical alerts around their production operations. A lot of companies solely rely on Slack for critical downtime alerts. Even though Slack has been exceptionally reliable, engineering teams need to seriously consider implementing a solid incident management process, including alerting and escalation to the right teams across multiple communication channels for any alerts related to a degraded customer experience. This is where Zenduty can help.

What is Zenduty and how can it help my company?

At its core, Zenduty is an incident management and response orchestration platform. Zenduty integrates with all of your production monitoring systems and reliably delivers critical alerts to the right team members(or on-call engineers)via SMS, Phone calls, Slack, MS Teams, Email, and Android/iOS push notifications. Zenduty also escalates alerts to different people within the same team, ensuring that someone acknowledges the incident within seconds. Zenduty also integrates with your real-time communications apps like Zoom and creates a dedicated conference link for each incident. In the event of Slack encountering an outage, you’ll still be able to receive critical downtime alerts via SMS, Phone calls, Email, or Android/iOS push notifications, and your team will have a real-time conference bridge to hop onto and collaboratively triage incidents.

There are also a full set of response orchestration capabilities under the hood like custom alert routing, task templates/playbooks, incident roles, tags, SLA alerts, stakeholder updates, and incident postmortems that can help you orchestrate and streamline your incident response. But today is about getting alerted, period. And Zenduty does just that.

Interested? Head over to Zenduty and start your free trial!

