Episode 86 — with Peter Dering — On Peak Design, Kickstarter and living Carbon Neutral

“Let us not pretend that there is some way out there of making and shipping shit around the world that will ever approach free when it comes to environmental impact.”

T. Brian Jones
Zengineering Podcast
2 min readSep 24, 2019


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Heyo, Zengineers!

This week, we get to be fan boys of our guest. As you all know, Adam and I are life long photographers, so you can imagine our joy when Peter Dering of Peak Design agreed to join us for a few hours to share his experience designing and selling fantastic photography gear, and creating hugely successful Kickstarter campaigns. To our surprise, the connections went even deeper.

Peter was happy to share his thoughts on building great products and a company culture that have a positive impact on customers, employees, and our planet. We talk about the inspiration to start Peak Design, how it happened, and early successful Kickstarter campaigns (of which Adam and Brian both participated with great gusto).

From here we were surprised to spiral a bit off course from where we thought we were headed. In fact, we barely discussed photography. Instead we strayed into a common area of conversation recently on the cast, Climate Change and what the hell to do about it. As the CEO of a company that makes physical products, an outdoor adventurer, and a generally well read and good dude, Peter understands the challenges facing the world around the release of carbon into our atmosphere. To do his part, he’s started an initiative called Climate Neutral to encourage other businesses to reduce and eliminate their carbon footprint. Once again, we’re big fans.

We hope you enjoy this windy adventure through the mind and explorations of Peter Dering.

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Adam & Brian

Show Notes



T. Brian Jones
Zengineering Podcast

Artist & Engineer — Imagine & Create (CTO @ NetWise Data, Co-Host @ Zengineering Podcast, Yogi, Beach Bum, & STEM Enthusiast)