Episode 88 — On Government — Part 1 — An Operating System for the United States

T. Brian Jones
Zengineering Podcast
2 min readJan 8, 2020

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Happy Holidays, Zengineers,

Adam is our conductor this week, guiding the train down the historical tracks of political exploration. Did you know that Adam went to law school? Of course you did. It comes up all the time. Yes. We do too, but he takes all the jokes really well, considering, ahem … that he’s a lawyer. Zing!

When studying the law, Adam wrote his thesis on how the law mimics software and how software mimics the law. It’s an interesting, powerful, and relevant comparison to make. Through this episode we hope you’ll come to appreciate why attorneys, programmers, judges, engineers, accountants, and more, all produce things they call “Code.” Remember Hammurabi’s Code? That shit was harsh, but concepts of that early foundation still persist today. Never forget this.

We discuss historically different types of government, how they have been evolutions of each other, and how constitutional government starts from these founding operating systems. This foundation formed over millennia by generations testing out new ideas and new structures, often through trial and error. This stuff is NOT perfect, and don’t let anyone tell you any different. That would be a disservice to our world.

We hope you enjoy our ramblings and have found a new way to look at the governmental structure and evolution of our world. There will be more to come. Yes, that sentence does have a lot of different meanings. Yes, we meant to do that. No, we’re not sorry.

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Adam & Brian

PS. Say hi to your families for us!!



T. Brian Jones
Zengineering Podcast

Artist & Engineer — Imagine & Create (CTO @ NetWise Data, Co-Host @ Zengineering Podcast, Yogi, Beach Bum, & STEM Enthusiast)