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2020 accomplishments

Karine Sabatier
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2020


The end of the year is coming, it’s time to press pause, step back and reflect on that very odd 2020 millesime. I do this kind of retro from time to time and I now keep a Trello list of my learnings.

  • I can play the piano. My beloved Dad bought me a piano last Christmas. Though I do not play as much as I’d want to, with deliberate practice I am now able to play simple parts. No impro or composition of my own yet, but playing helps me withdraw from this noisy world a moment.
  • I learned to draw on Procreate. During the first lock-down I taught myself how to draw with this incredible tool (that has one of the most amazing User Experiences). Watch the drawing of The Big Whale on Procreate
  • I made my first Pull Request and learned git basics. This was part of a journey I started a few months ago to better understand my teammates’ work and experience. It’s still Work In Progress 😁.
  • I can now do headstands in yoga and stay there for a couple of minutes. This requires more focus than strength and it helps me work on my mindfulness and balance.
  • I learned Figma and am still investing time to try and master it. This was not the hardest thing to learn since I already played a lot with Adobe XD, but I really invested some time in Figma and I get to reap what I’ve sowed only now, after several months of practice.
  • I learned to organize a streamed remote event. I discovered Svelte and its friendly community during the first lock-down and the will to contribute actively to its diffusion was strong, so with Anthony Le Goas we decided to organize the French edition of Svelte Society Day. I learned a lot during the organizing of this remote tech event. + I got to make new friends! How cool is this?

Not so much learnings but things I tidied up to facilitate future small accomplishments :

  • I updated my bucket list :)
  • I gathered in a single place (Miro) all the tools I use in my everyday practice
  • I updated my “What the f*ck are they talking about?” list (things I hear at work and have to google at night to keep up 😅)

What about you? What are you now capable of doing that you weren’t just a year ago? And more importantly: What are you going to learn from now on?



Karine Sabatier

I don't use AI to write about my Product Management and Product Design expertise.