How to Achieve “Good Enough” Digital Transformation

Quality systems and processes often fail because they are misused.

Ian Beckett MSc
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Barriers © Ian Beckett

Any beneficial quality system should improve the quality of a product or process by reducing rework, cost, reliability, security and performance while improving customer satisfaction.

The selected methodology often becomes a cost overhead without the intended benefits, degrading delivery and service to the customer.

I have practised Six Sigma, TQM, BPR, Lean, Agile, and other methodologies. The greatest problem is that instead of using them as a means to an end, those involved tend to use them as an end in themselves.

To overcome these barriers, I have always been a proponent of “good enough engineering.” This approach has worked well from a commercial perspective but has a limited scientific basis since common sense is a rare commodity and is hard to measure.

However a variant of TQM PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Act) developed by military strategist John Boyd’s OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) Loop gets you to the “good enough” solution elegantly and reliably.

  • PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle is an iterative methodology used for continuous product and/or process improvements. It is specifically useful for testing improvements on a…



Ian Beckett MSc
Writer for

Ian is a digital transformation expert who has saved companies $300m by integrating technologies and diverse global teams effectively— he is a CEO and poet