My 20-Kilo Transformation: A 3-Month Journey

Real Story

4 min readApr 6, 2024


I have to say that I don`t recommend my method to anyone. I was a young depressed girl who tried a lot of things to lose weight and eventually she did it but now I face some serious healthy-consequences. Please be safe!

pic by Google

Hello everyone! This is a personal article that I want to share with you. In case this just appeared on your wall or you are searching for ``how to lose weight advice`` this story is not about losing kilos in a healthy way.

Unfortunatly, I was forced by some surroundings to become `better`. I failed my driving exam third time and I was feeling so bad because my parents have to pay again for me to finish the driving school. The first times I failed, they were ok with this but when I failed the third time it felt that they were nervous about that.

I was almost 80 kilos and I hated myself, but the worst thing was that I was failing everything I was trying to do. I couldn`t understand math in highschool and got very low grades. When I entered highschool I had 55 killos but it was so stressed to me that, til I became a seniour in highschool, and a little bit after, I had almost 80 killos. It was very depressing. Everyone I was friends with was looking good because we were almost majors and everyone is young and beautiful, but I felt horible with myself.

me in April 2021

Every time I went to a new party the others always compliments my friends but not me. Even if their eyes were, almost everytime, more time on me than my other girl friends. But I knew why. I was about to make Boom at some point that`s why and probably no one wanted to stay close to me.

Certanly is, that is not as bad as I am saying but it just feels that way.

If someone puts yourself in a room with 3 of your closest friends or people close to you from childhood(some kind of that relationship), and, suddenly, a precious object from you dissapeares that you were certanly sure that you had on you.. let`s say — the wallet. When you will realize you don`t have your wallet you`ll start thinking that is here but you don`t see it. After 5 minutes of not finding it, you`ll start thinking that you put it in a place that you can`t remember where is it. After 10 minutes of not finding it, you will certanly believe one of the people in that room took it. After 15 minutes, you almost figure out who took it.

But stop!

Your wallet was under the sofa. Mystery solved.

Everyone feels glad it was found, but actually the one that gives you the wallet is someone you thought stealed it from you. What a good thing, you didn`t lost your wallet, but you lost your mind a bit. :)

That`s how it felt to be fat for me after I was a skinny girl. To feel that I lost something and that is everyone`s fault but not mine the fact that I am like this and start accusing eventually the high school for stressing me out so much in order to increase almost 25 killos.

I got obsessed eventually with loosing weight and I had good results from the first try… at least that I thought. I went to gym almost everyday at least 1h/a day. I bought myself some detox slimming teas that I found online they were good and the fact that they weren`t that average, I could`ve afford them for 3 months.

I made myself a diet from internet and youtube. At that period, unfortunetly, I didn`t descovered Tiktok and neither Medium.

Drinking 3 cups of that horible-tasting tea, going to gym and eating some sort of healty recipes that I found online gave results.

After 2 months I had 68 killos and I was so happy. Everyone started to notice but it didn`t felt enough so I tried harder next month. I reduce from 3 meals a day and one snack to only 2 meals a day.

After one month of doing a lot of sports, drinking horible tea and eating barely 2 times a day I had my dream weight, but not my dream life that I expected to come with it.

I was at some physical test at nutrition and it resulted that I barely eliminated the toxins and fats in my body, but I destroyed my muscle mass. I didn`t believed at first, but my body confirms it. I feel like I have no energy to do a lot of things and my stomach hurts period times.

me 3 months later, July 2021

The moral of the story is that if you want to lose weight you have to do it ONLY for yourself in order to do it right physically and emotionally. I was more happier and healtier when I was a little, fat girl but all was intense at that time because of the young age. I just didn`t realized it. If you are a teen girl that has some killos more, is ok, you are still beautiful and deserve the world. Don`t do a change for other people because it is no going back from that.



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Hi! My name is Andreea and I am 22 years old. I am from a small town from Romania but I have big dreams. I study Letters and I love to write. Follow my journey